Study sheds light on Mosque attacks in UK

New Research by two British Muslim organizations has revealed almost half of Mosques or Islamic institutions in the United Kingdom have
mosque building itself.Meanwhile, 34 percent of Mosques that have experienced attacks have been the victims of burglary where the
includes threats of physical violence on popular social media platforms as well as general abuse.The survey also reveals what has been
described as the most worrying cases of attack with 17 percent of the Mosques surveyed reporting physical assault directed at their staff or
One mosque reported that a Muslim cleric was stabbed just outside the front door.Muslim Census and MEND also found that:Nearly two-thirds of
mosques reported that the attacks had a negative impact on the wider community.Only one-third of mosques that applied for the government
faith community centers that are vulnerable to hate crime
The scheme is intended to reduce the risk of a hate crime happening at a place of worship and associated faith community center.)Overall, 35
percent of mosques experienced a religiously-motivated attack at least once a year.Despite this, several mosques said they were hesitant
about reporting a religiously-motivated attack for several reasons including their loss of confidence in any police action or to mitigate
any negative impacts (such as the Muslim community becoming afraid of attending mosques) and a decrease in community cohesion.When it comes
to the police response to such attacks, the survey also found that 55 percent of mosques reported not being satisfied with police responses
of Mosques, their staff, and their worshippers
are disturbingly common occurrences in the UK and peaked after the Christchurch terror attack in March 2019, which saw 51 Muslims shot and
terrorist attack in 2017, has said anti-Muslim sentiment now is worse than ever."Our community still feels the fear and intimidation, and
they expect an attack at any time
What happened was not a one-off, the situation is even worse than it was five years ago
Islamophobia is on the rise, and no one can deny that." Mohammed Kozbar has been reported as saying.The attacks on Mosques survey comes
against the backdrop of another poll earlier this month that found seven in ten British Muslims have experienced some form of Islamophobia
the UK and Europe" conducted by polling company Savanta ComRes showed 69 percent of Muslims currently employed faced some sort of
Islamophobic behavior during work-related engagements.Black British Muslims were found to have experienced higher levels of Islamophobia
compared to other British Muslims
While 37 percent of all Muslims said they experienced cases of discrimination during the recruitment stage, the figure sharply rose to 58
percent for Black British Muslims.Government data for England and Wales show that religiously motivated offenses are at an all-time high
There were a total of 76,884 racially and religiously aggravated offenses recorded in 2021, up 15 percent from 66,742 in 2020.The Muslim
Council of Britain has extensive reports on Islamophobic views in society, Islamophobic hate crimes, Islamophobia in the media, Islamophobia
investigative report on Islamophobia in the ruling Conservative party last year infamously concluded with the warning it would "make for
very uncomfortable reading" for the ruling party.The probe analyzed 1,418 complaints in relation to 727 separate incidents as recorded in
It found that two-thirds of all incidents reported to the complaints team at the Tories' headquarters related to incidents of anti-Muslim
discrimination.The findings read: "judging by the extent of complaints and findings of misconduct by the party itself that relate to
anti-Muslim words and conduct, anti-Muslim sentiment remains a problem within the party
This is damaging to the party, and alienates a significant section of society."Anti-Muslim hate among the conservative government ranks is
so high that the inquiry was conducted and published about two years after all five candidates in the 2019 party leadership contest to
replace ex-PM Theresa May - including eventual winner Boris Johnson, committed to an independent investigation into Islamophobia in the Tory
root out Islamophobia
problem or lead by example when it stands accused of promoting and practicing Islamophobia itself
far-right white fascist groups have been operating with impunity in the country with footage going viral on social media of extremist
English mobs storming mosques, marching like hooligans, or intruding on the private property of Muslims, essentially taking the law into
police the powers to ban and heavily penalize protests and protesters who are demonstrating
Experts say the Police, Crime, Sentencing, and Courts Bill will infringe on the rights of people to express their views with police enjoying
the power to determine which protests are allowed to be staged and which ones will be prohibited.