Iran censures ‘economic terrorism’ in annual report on U.S. human rights violation

TEHRAN - In its annual report on human rights, the Iranian Foreign Ministry has detailed the U.S
government's rights abuses, including its use of "economic terrorism," labelling the U.S
the "biggest violator of human rights".In a statement issued on the occasion of the American Human Rights Review and Exposure Week (June
rights."The Islamic Republic of Iran emphasizes that U.S
unilateralism and imposition of unilateral economic sanctions with the aim of forcing governments to change their policies is a gross and
use of economic means to pressure politically independent countries as a clear example of human rights violations and the use of economic
it added.According to the ministry, the Islamic Republic is one of the nations most seriously harmed by the United States' instrumental use
legal rights of the Iranian people, including the right to life, the right to health, the right to adequate living standards, the right to
education and access to knowledge and technology, and the right to development in addition to the gross violation of the rights of women,
stating that they had jeopardized food security, resulted in a lack of cooperation from firms that supply Iran with medical and health
equipment, and interfered with the acquisition of medications for rare and serious illnesses.It asserted that as a result of the sanctions,
Iranian academics and medical professionals were unable to access the National Library of Medicine's (NLM) and PubMed servers' medical
endangered the safety of Iranian passenger planes, while the lack of access to the international financial system and refusal of foreign
companies to accept foreign exchange guarantees issued by Iranian banks have put additional economic pressure on bread-earning Iranian women
and led to a decline in purchasing power of the elderly and problems for people with physical and mental disabilities in accessing medicines
claims to be an advocate of human rights, there is no meaningful monitoring of the violations of the rights of minorities such as Muslims
is the biggest supporter of the Israeli occupation regime, which, through its material and non-material support of the regime, provides the
oppressed and defenseless people of Yemen are targeted daily by American weapons, which are sold to the aggressor and warring countries for
greatest heroes of the struggle against terrorism, most notably Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani, who was assassinated by the U.S
General Soleimani is an arbitrary violation of the right to life and contrary to the provisions of the International Covenant on Civil and