Overseas publishers acquire copyrights to books by Persian writers

Georgian and Arabic translations of two books by Persian writers.Based on an agreement signed with Pol, a Tehran-based institution that
Poet and Mr
Hassanbeigi, the young adult book tells the story of a manuscript, which draws a priest to learn more about Imam Ali (AS), the first Imam of
the Shia.The story begins in a church, where a Tajik man offers to sell a manuscript to a priest who has an interest in manuscript books
Parts of the manuscript, which dates back to about 1400 years ago, are about Amr ibn al-As, the Arab military commander who led the Muslim
conquest of Egypt and, when at the Battle of Siffin in 657 he fought to decide the succession to the caliphate, he sided with Muawiyah I,
and the battles that were imposed upon him.The priest, who realized the value of the manuscript, is now curious to know more about Imam Ali
Poet and Mr
Poet and the Brave Mr
Poet and Mr