Certain UNSC members abuse authority to advance political agenda: envoy

TEHRAN- Majid Takht Ravanchi, the Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Iran to the UN, has denounced the use of the UN Security
Council's powers and duties by certain member states
I also thank the briefers for their informative briefings.Increasing the Security Council's efficiency and effectiveness must always be
viewed as a work in progress, because the nature and scope of challenges related to international peace and security are constantly
its interaction and communication with non-Council members
To that end, reforming and evolving the Council into a fully transparent, rule-based, and, above all, accountable body is the most efficient
method to ensure its transparency, efficiency, and effectiveness
That is the reason why the Council's "working methods" are among the five primary topics under consideration in the ongoing Security Council
methods; nonetheless, these efforts have fallen short of what the UN members had expected because they have been few and slow
Therefore, in accordance with discussions on the subject within the "Intergovernmental Negotiations", efforts to advance in this field must
Council must adhere to the purposes and principles of the United Nations in all of its decision-making procedures
Full compliance with the UN Charter will enable the Council to refrain from adopting ultra-vires decisions that contravene the UN Charter,
or considering circumstances that do not pose a threat to international peace and security as well as issues pertaining to the domestic
affairs of States
This will assist the Council to avoid abuse or overuse of its Chapter VII functions and instead carry out its obligations hereunder,
appropriately, and responsibly.2-The Security Council must assess the effectiveness of sanctions and their humanitarian repercussions at
various stages of conflict and suspend or lift them as needed
Sanctions, as is well acknowledged, have serious humanitarian consequences as we have all witnessed during the COVID-19 pandemic, putting
civilian populations' health and lives in grave jeopardy
is built on multilateralism
In the face of serious and increasingly complex global challenges, the Council must practice and uphold true multilateralism, which
necessitates resolving international issues through collaboration
A candid review of the Security Council's practices reveals that the Council's authority and powers have been repeatedly abused by certain
States, who, in pursuit of their short-sighted political objectives, particularly against developing countries, regard this body as their
preferred tool to exert pressure on other countries
Such conduct not only breaches the UN Charter and fundamental principles of international law, but also demonstrates disrespect for the
increased in recent years, which is cause for grave concern
The Council should exercise caution when introducing new topics for consideration and maintain consistency in its priorities
To avoid duplicating efforts and encroaching on the General Assembly's mandate, the Council should improve communication and cooperation
with the General Assembly and other UN organs on cross-cutting issues.5-The annual reports of the Security Council should contribute to the
much needed transparency and accountability of decisions and measures taken by the Security Council
During recent discussions in the General Assembly on this issue, the vast majority of Member States renewed their call on the Security
Council to present an annual report that goes beyond a simple compilation of its activities.6- And finally, constant improvement of the
Council's working methods must be recognized as a shared responsibility of Council members and, more generally, the entire UN membership