Iran backs multilateral diplomacy to lift illegal sanctions: envoy

TEHRAN- The Iranian Ambassador and Permanent Representative to the UN confirmed on Thursday that Tehran supports multilateral diplomacy that
would ensure the effective and verifiable lifting of the illegal sanctions against the Islamic Republic by reviving the 2015 nuclear deal,
officially known as the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action or the JCPOA
again reaffirmed their support for the restoration and full implementation of JCPOA.We believe that JCPOA is a hard-won multilateral
diplomatic achievement that remains the best option with no alternatives.I feel compelled to refresh our memories about the reasons behind
the current situation
Unfortunately, certain Council members that have disregarded their own obligations with regard to JCPOA and Resolution 2231, continue to
ignore the underlying causes of the current situation and present a spurious narrative as to why we are here, attributing certain falsehoods
and fabrications to my country
court and if the U.S
commitments were connected to the effective lifting of all sanctions and normalization of Iran's trade and economic relations, the sheer
Specifically, the United States, in addition to its obligation to lift sanctions against Iran, is explicitly committed to, and I quote,
years.Let me remind ourselves that in defiance of Resolution 2231 and in flagrant violation of international law and the UN Charter, the
United States withdrew from the agreement on May 8, 2018, and re-imposed unilateral sanctions that had previously been lifted, putting
unparalleled pressure on other countries to either disregard their obligations under Resolution 2231 or face punishment
This is unprecedented in the history of the Security Council.Despite the enormous difficulties we faced as a result of the sanctions, Iran
decided to continue honoring its commitments, validated by the IAEA for 15 times, after being promised and assured by the European
participants of JCPOA that they would compensate the losses Iran suffered after the U.S
withdrew from JCPOA.Unfortunately, the E3 disregarded their obligations and promises, leaving Iran with no choice but to utilize its rights
under paragraphs 26 and 36 of JCPOA to partially suspend its commitments on May 8, 2019.In this context, Iran has taken certain remedial
measures in accordance with JCPOA to re-establish some balance in the reciprocal commitments and benefits under the accord, however, these
administration recklessly sacrificed a well-established tenet of international law and withdrew from the deal and re-imposed sanctions, the
sanctions on Iran
There is no doubt that such a policy is advanced as a leverage in the negotiations.Against this backdrop, I would like to address a few
points that clarify our position on the current situation as well as the ongoing talks.Iran is committed to multilateral diplomacy, the
guarantees from the U.S
that JCPOA will not be torpedoed again, that the U.S
will not violate its obligations again, and that sanctions will not be re-imposed under other pretexts or designations - as occurred during
the previous U.S
administration - and that JCPOA mechanisms will not be abused
In fact, these are the minimum requirements for determining the deal's long-term viability.In the course of the Vienna talks, we exercised
maximum flexibility and showed good faith in order to reach an agreement acceptable to all and even introduced innovative solutions to the
remaining issues with the hope to break the impasse.However, the United States' unrealistic and rigid approach has led to the current
stalemate.We are continuing our remedial measures because other parties' non-performance of commitments continues, sanctions remain in full
force, the maximum pressure policy is still being pursued, and our people's sufferings continue.Nonetheless, as soon as other parties
fulfill all of their obligations in a complete, effective, and verifiable manner, Iran will immediately reverse all of its steps
However, the sufferings of our people as a result of other parties failing to perform their commitments are nearly completely
irreversible.Our patients, particularly those with rare diseases, have been suffering from inhumane sanctions which include even medicine
and medical equipment
memory.With regard to our cooperation with IAEA, as well as our peaceful nuclear activities, I would like to stress that all of our peaceful
nuclear activities are entirely consistent with our rights and obligations under the NPT, as well as the Agency's safeguards agreement.As a
responsible member of the NPT, the Islamic Republic of Iran is committed to the principle of collaboration with the Agency and has fulfilled
all of its obligations under the NPT and Comprehensive Safeguards Agreement, as the Agency continues its activities in Iran without
hindrance.Our peaceful nuclear program has been under the most robust and intrusive nuclear verification, monitoring, and transparency
concerning the alleged locations on March 20, 2022, in compliance with the Joint Statement agreed upon on 5 March 2022 and within the
appropriate nor productive
Iran was surprised by the Agency's latest report on the issue because we have gone to great lengths to explain and clarify the remaining
We have responded to all of the Agency's questions in a thorough, constructive, and cooperative manner
We believe that the Agency's recent claims are based solely on erroneous and fabricated information provided by the Israeli regime who has
And their mere motive was to build up their negotiated position in the current talks.We believe that the IAEA's resolution is politically
driven and that it will have negative effects on the ongoing talks, the consequences of which will be the responsibility of the resolution's
covered by the safeguards agreement
However, Iran is willing to continue engaging with the IAEA to address concerns and misunderstandings as long as the issues are technical
and nonpolitical
The Agency needs to respect the principles of independence, impartiality, and professionalism in its work.During our intensive consultations
with the EU High Representative for Foreign Affairs and Security Policy, Mr
Joseph Borrell, in Tehran last week, Iran once more emphasized its willingness to provide creative solutions to the remaining issues in the
hope of ending the deadlock
We agreed to hold indirect talks with the U.S
through the EU in order to overcome the last hurdles in the talks
We were sincere in the Doha talks that were serious and positive
As in the past, we will be in touch with the EU Coordinator for the next stage of the talks.Our negotiating team is ready to engage
constructively again to conclude and reach a deal
The ball is in U.S
court and if the U.S
acts realistically and shows its serious intention to implement its obligations, the agreement is not out of reach.Finally, with regard to
(S/2022/518), covering our views on issues that I did not address in my remarks today.However, we believe that the report should have
addressed the root causes of the current situation around JCPOA, and focused on the United States' violations of UN Security Council
Resolution 2231 (2015), which includes sanctions-lifting commitments.According to certain paragraphs of the report, the Secretariat has
continued to engage in unauthorized travel and verification visits as well as measures "to-examine" the allegations regarding the
implementation of annex B to the resolution.The Note by the President of the Security Council (S/2016/44) has elaborated the Secretariat's
mandate on the implementation of resolution 2231 which is confined to "administrative support" for the Security Council
As a result, such ultra vires activities by the Secretariat are unacceptable and should be avoided
Similarly, any possible findings or assessments made by the Secretariat are rendered null and void
In this regard, any allegation that may be attributed to the Islamic Republic of Iran is hereby rejected.In Conclusion, Mr
President, allow me to say a few words about the region.First, we categorically reject baseless accusations and unfounded allegations made
against my country at this meeting.As a responsible State, Iran is committed to its international obligations and has never engaged in any
based on the full respect for international law, mutual respect, good neighborliness, cooperation, and dialogue, as well as maintaining
Our constructive engagement and efforts with the UN to assist and support the truce and its extension in Yemen stem from our firm belief
that regional countries should work together to work toward a peaceful settlement of disputes.The massive U.S
military build-up and export of sophisticated weaponry to the region, as well as certain European countries' supply of lethal weapons to
regional countries, have transformed this region into the world's biggest concentration of foreign military installations, making it a
ticking time bomb.Another key source of regional insecurity is the Israeli regime's destabilizing, malicious, and terrorist activities in
the region, which have always been accompanied by persistent U.S
support.The Israeli regime has used every opportunity to threaten and destroy the JCPOA as well as undermine the implementation of
peaceful nuclear program as well as the cowardly and abhorrent assassination of innocent Iranian scientists to further its sinister
and acknowledged in a new SIPRI report
Instead of shedding crocodile tears about our current peaceful nuclear activities, they should adhere to their NPT commitments particularly
those under article 6
Those States are also deafeningly silent about the Israeli regime's nuclear weapons as well as its repeated terrorist and disruptive
activities against our peaceful nuclear facilities