Iran indispensable to Russia as gateway to India: analyst

indispensable to Russia since transit across its territory links that Eurasian great power with their shared Indian strategic partner, which
help balance Eurasian affairs between the American and Chinese superpowers according to the bi-multipolarity model posited by Indian thinker
sanctioned it despite considerable Western pressure upon them to do so
This speaks to their strategic autonomy and state sovereignty, which bolsters their multipolar credentials
along the North-South Transport Corridor (NSTC) connecting Russia with India
time, which could have eroded its strategic autonomy
Instead, India was able to prevent this scenario due to the other four Caspian countries keeping the NSTC alive.Russia now has other
alternatives to China in order to diversify its newfound pivot towards the Global South and thus maximize its strategic autonomy, which is
only made possible by the Caspian countries functioning as its logistical lifeline to the wider global economy
The Kremlin immensely appreciates this solidarity with its multipolar cause and is thus prioritizing each of them as a top-level strategic
more experience surviving under harsh sanctions than Russia does, so the latter can learn a bit from the former, but their situations are
also different since Russia is sanctioned much more than Iran right now
Nevertheless, these strategic partners still share the goal of jointly facilitating the emerging Multipolar World Order, to which end
ideological level between unipolar liberal-globalists and multipolar conservative-sovereigntists; and the tactical one between the
nowadays on all fronts
The Islamic Republic is indispensable to Russia since transit across its territory links that Eurasian Great Power with their shared Indian
influence to help balance Eurasian affairs between the American and Chinese superpowers according to the bi-multipolarity model posited by
Indian thinker Sanjaya Baru
North-South and East-West
trading with the EU via those two regions.If their leaders play their cards properly, then their regions can become Eurasian geo-economic
centers of gravity in the emerging Multipolar World Order
For that to happen, they must maximally cooperate with the RIC (Russia-India-China) core of BRICS, which is the economic-financial engine of
that aforesaid world order
There are high hopes that the Caucasus and Central Asia will fulfill this destiny.Q: How do you evaluate the level of Iran-Russia trade? Do
you see meaningful development?A: Real-sector trade continues to lag far behind its potential, but that will inevitably change as a result
of Iran serving as the irreplaceable transit state for facilitating Russian-Indian trade, which was earlier explained as having preemptively
geostrategic location along this new Eurasian geo-economic corridor
To do that, it might have to rely on Chinese investments considering the 25-year strategic partnership pact they agreed to in spring 2021,
companies add some value through their Iranian investments along the way
regards as being in their objective national interests
firm on those same interests.In order of investment importance for Iran, China is certainly at the top followed far off by India with Russia
trailing much further
For that reason, its leadership must do its utmost to maximize benefits from each of them on bilateral, trilateral, and even quadrilateral