FTO hypocrisy

list of foreign terrorist organizations.Then State Department Secretary of State Hillary Clinton made the decision in view of the so-called
claim of publicly renouncing violence, the absence of confirmed acts of terrorism by the group for more than a decade, and their cooperation
in the closure of their paramilitary base in Iraq.The move meant that Washington will no longer block the group's property in the United
States and that U.S
entities may engage in transactions with the MKO without obtaining a license.The MKO terrorist group leader, Maryam Rajavi, who is residing
in Paris welcomed the decision in a statement, vowing to step up its international campaign against the Islamic Republic and the Iranian
efforts for democracy," Rajavi said.In 1988, 7000 MEK members joined hands with Saddam Hussein and formed an alliance called National
Liberation Army of Iran (NLA)
Saddam armed these forces
On July 26, 1988, only six days after the acceptance of United Nations Security Council Resolution 598 which ordered a ceasefire between
military operations against the Iranians during the time they joined the Saddam army
de-listing the MEK from British, EU - U.S
a southeastern Tehran in the Malek Ashtar Basij headquarters on Saturday night, resulted in minor infrastructure damage
victims that were killed or maimed by this brutal cult over the years, designating MEK again would be viewed as a good-faith gesture that
negotiations' deadlock and set the ground for a sustainable and long-term cooperation with Iran
from the Foreign Terrorist Organization (FTO) list is one of the hurdles that Tehran and Washington cannot agree on in the negotiations to
In this regard, we reached a list with the Europeans and the Americans in Vienna, and we said that this list should be removed from the red
that the U.S
could add these people to the red list under any pretext? No
Intelligence at The Washington Institute, wrote an opinion piece in The Washington Institute on March 21 advising the Biden administration
officials attended the MKO rallies to get a few extra dollars for their election campaigns, and introduce the terrorist group as the best
Mike Pompeo, the former secretary of state, and Mike Pence, the former vice president, who both served under Trump, were among those top
While Daesh (ISIS) was committing genocide in Iraq and Syria, especially from July 2014 to November 2017, the IRGC proved as the main force
in defeating them.Having refused to remove the IRGC from the FTO list, the U.S
has stubbornly been dead-set not to put the name of the MKO to its list of sanctions