Covid possibly came out of a U.S. biotechnology lab, says Columbia professor

government was sponsoring a lot of dangerous genetic manipulation of SARS-like viruses and has not yet honestly revealed the nature of that
scientifically proven evidence about the origin of Covid-19 or we should just rely on theories or hypotheses? Did it break out of natural
reason like the MERS that emerged in Saudi Arabia?A: There are two hypotheses: a natural spillover (as with MERS) or a laboratory creation
Both are possible
The U.S
government was sponsoring a lot of dangerous genetic manipulation of SARS-like viruses and has not yet honestly revealed the nature of that
There are worrying signs that this research may have created SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes Covid-19 disease
scientists declared the intention to manipulate viruses in a way that could have created the virus
We need the U.S
origin of the pandemic? American officials and media blamed China for its outbreak.A: Yes, the U.S
has tried to blame China without admitting its own possible role
is a scientifically and technologically advanced country the Covid-19 death rate is still high
How do you evaluate the performance of the Trump and Biden administrations to curb the pandemic?A: The U.S
did a poor job, with more than 1 million dead
The public behaves badly, rejecting face masks for example
Trump was completely irresponsible
Biden did a little better in terms of science, but overall U.S
pandemics with unnatural origins?A: It is likely that Covid will be with us for a long time to come, perhaps with new serious waves
This kind of laboratory research needs to be made public and properly regulated
Bioweapons research needs to stop
biological war?A: I do not believe that Covid came from bio warfare research
More likely, it came from research to create drugs and vaccines
Either way, we need to know more
The U.S