Bolton admits U.S. planned foreign coups 

Former White House National Security Advisor and U.S
President Donald Trump to stop the certification of his successor.The former U.S
"I'm not going to get into the specifics," Bolton replied, before pointing to Venezuela
"It turned out not to be successful
Not that we had all that much to do with it but I saw what it took for an opposition to try and overturn an illegally elected president and
reply: "I'm sure there is."In 2019, Bolton as National Security Adviser to Trump publicly supported Venezuelan opposition leader Juan
These included military operations involving the participation of U.S
agents that were captured
Washington is also accused of using sanctions to destroy the Venezuelan economy with the aim of triggering unrest so people rise up against
popularity he had.It is evident that the U.S
officials have admitted the CIA orchestrated the overthrow of Iranian Prime Minister Mohammad Mosaddegh in 1953 after he nationalized the
overthrow the democratically elected Iranian leader and ultimately replacing Mosaddegh with a dictatorship that would serve foreign
interference in foreign countries is quite clear
Washington targets governments that are independent, oppose, and/or denounce U.S
policy in the region as destabilizing
America does not target the political and economic affairs of governments that are already serving U.S
interests or host U.S
foreign governments is not a secret but is uncommon for a former U.S
official to say so in public.The U.S
is accused of using various methods to overthrow foreign governments
From military means by invading countries (Vietnam, Afghanistan, Iraq for example) or using proxies (Syria, Libya, Bolivia for example) to
example) and more recently the use of social media to spread anti-government propaganda (see below).Syria accuses the U.S
of trying to overthrow the government in Damascus by training, funding, and backing different terrorist groups to do the job
being publicly elected
The governments of Nouri al-Maliki and Adel Abdul Mehdi have two things in common
They both strongly pushed for the U.S
provided the missiles, Daesh terrorists, who began gathering in the Eastern Desert of Anbar province (having crossed the border with Syria)
could have been wiped out there and then
The weapons were delivered eighteen months later after Daesh expanded its presence to two-thirds of Iraq and led to the government of
military in the vicinity of Baghdad International Airport in an act of U.S
state terrorism; Iraqi PM Abdul Mehdi also strongly pushed for the exit of U.S
forces (who crept back under the pretext of helping fight Daesh), the U.S
is accused of using a social media campaign to cause unrest in southern Iraq that led to the former Iraqi PM stepping down.The use of social
media to overthrow foreign governments is nothing new.A public relations company in Washington DC was caught red-handed in the act of
destabilizing Latin American nations such as Bolivia, Venezuela, and Mexico by using large-scale social media campaigns
CLS strategies operated in many countries, but revelations by U.S
media regarding its regime change policies in Latin America on behalf of the former U.S
democratically elected leader was ousted in a U.S.-backed military coup following a contested election
spreading fake news in Spanish by supposedly disaffected former supporters of Morales
Despite winning just four percent of the election, Anez was recognized by the U.S
returned to power in an election that showed how nobody in the country supported Anez and her authoritarian rule apart from
only way the U.S
can survive by trying to maintain an empire that conquers and divides
At the same time, there is also a growing amount of evidence that this empire is facing difficulties and sinking.