Biden: Failure after failure

From creating a coalition against Iran to kissing the Saudi ring in order to boost oil production
Nonetheless, the tour was a complete failure
Here's why: Biden's attempt to rally Arab leaders to persuade them to join forces with Israel to form a coalition against Iran backfired
The conference in Jeddah failed because the leaders of Qatar, Jordan, and Egypt firmly condemned Israel's atrocities against the Palestinian
people.Furthermore, Biden believed that the Jeddah Summit could be used to encourage "normalization" with Israel by Arab states
any conversations about a defense alliance between Arab states on the southern shores of the Persian Gulf with Israel and that his country
was not interested in such discussions.Following the U.S.-Arab summit that Riyadh decided to open its airspace to all air carriers, he also
said it had nothing to do with establishing diplomatic ties with Israel and was not a forerunner to subsequent actions.Similarly, Egyptian
This shall be based on the two-state solution in accordance with the relevant international legitimacy resolutions and stipulate the
establishment of an independent Palestinian state along the June 4, 1967 borders, with East Jerusalem as its capital
to label Saudi Arabia a "pariah" on the global arena in response to the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi by Saudi agents in 2018, but
finally decided that U.S
of its oil production and also influence the OPEC+ to do so
In these regards, he was only partially successful
The Saudi said that they are already producing 13 million barrels per day
war, Biden requires the assistance of OPEC behemoth Saudi Arabia
Washington also seeks to limit Tehran's influence in the region and Beijing's global clout.Biden traveled to Saudi Arabia in the hopes of
convincing Riyadh to increase oil output in order to lower gasoline prices as pain at gas pumps is endangering his political life,
especially as mid-term congressional election is approaching.He departed the region empty-handed, hoping that the OPEC+ group, which
includes Saudi Arabia, Russia, and other producers, will increase output at their summit on August 3."I look forward to seeing what's coming
in the coming months," Biden said.However, the projected price of Brent crude oil on the Intercontinental Exchange has risen to $106 per
barrel, a more than 5% increase from Monday.This rise follows Biden's four-day trip to West Asia, which was meant to slow the rise in oil
prices.This puts the final nail in the coffin of the 79-year-old U.S
On top of that, the UAE said it is planning to send an ambassador to Tehran in order to repair relations with Iran, according to the