Iraqi president: Baghdad playing vital role in Tehran-Riyadh talks

Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) to Iran-Saudi talks
has been projecting itself and its values to the entire neighborhood
Iran is our neighbor
of Saddam Hussein where it was at war with its neighbor
the interview, Zakaria went on to ask that one of the things that Joe Biden was trying to do in his trip to the region was to find a way to
have a better understanding of what to do about Iran and he was trying to convince them, particularly the Israelis and the Saudis, that it
actually makes sense for Iran to go and the United States to go back into the 2015 nuclear deal to put limits on Iran's nuclear program.He
We have long borders with Iran
Iraq and is a consequence to the wider region and indeed the world
common architecture to push back against these elements but also really attend to the fundamental challenges that the Middle East is facing,
Minister Fuad Hussein announced that in addition to hosting the ongoing Tehran-Riyadh talks, Baghdad is also a host to separate bilateral
talks between Iran and two other Arab states.Speaking on July 1, Hussein announced that concurrent with Tehran-Riyadh negotiations, talks
are underway between Iran and Egypt as well as Iran and Jordan.We need infrastructure to connect our economies togetherElsewhere in the
having oil but we also have very, very serious challenges, economic and social challenges
We need infrastructure that can connect our economies together
We need common action against climate change
Iraq cannot do it alone
Saudi Arabia cannot do it alone
Iran cannot do it alone
by which we get Syria out of the mess that it is in today, (and) has been in for so long, while we are focused on the headlines of
interstate rivalries between Iran, Saudis, this and that
want to go back to the days of the past where we are part of access against another
We did that and we paid dearly for it