Not all Arabs want to line up against Iran: Johns Hopkins University professor

President Joe Biden made a visit to Israel and Saudi Arabia between July 13-16.On the last day of his visit, Biden met with rulers of the
Qataris and Omanis are working very hard to make JCPOA work, and even the president (Biden) himself was not willing to say that JCPOA is
the level of ambassador
that UAE and Saudi Arabia are also talking to Iran
Minister Yair Lapid talked to reporters in joint press conference on July 14
Lapid, like his predecessors, made unsubstantiated accusations against Iran for its nuclear program and tried to pressure Biden to make open
military threats against Iran
other sources in the Middle East, as well, the real -- the new story is that the Saudis are talking to the Iranians, I think largely through
The UAE is talking to Iran
There seems to be an effort to create some kind of new modus vivendi between Iran and Saudi Arabia and other (Persian) Gulf states to
I mean, the president tried to take credit in his speech in Saudi Arabia that there is now a ceasefire in Yemen
But that ceasefire actually owes a lot to the Iranian-Saudi dialogue that's been ongoing, and it's very clear that the Arabs want protection
against Iran but they don't want the kind of aggressive policies that, for instance, Israel is following with Iran, that that could risk a
The United States is focused on Ukraine and on China, and one of the ways of managing Iran is actually to lower the temperature with
and that's very different from the way the Israelis are pushing for a much more aggressive position against Iran where the prime minister of
Israel said we should put credible military options on the table against Iran
does it seem like the part of the trip that was intended to solidify a kind of Saudi Arabia, Israel, UAE axis that was pro-American and, you
know, to a certain extent anti-Iranian
there is a very hard and fast, you know, fault line in the Middle East between Arabs and Iranians
I mean, first of all, Putin's visit to Tehran shows that there are other big powers in the region and the United States is not the only
And it's also cultivating relations with Turkey and Iran, as well, and its relationship actually with the (Persian) Gulf state is of a
nature that makes a tight American-Israeli relationship with these countries problematic
In other words, the Chinese are building the telecom infrastructure in UAE
think of the Persian Gulf the way it used to be under Bush, Clinton, etc., of very sort of pristine American military technology
It does suggest that despite all the sanctions, the Iranians are still able to manufacture something as, you know, reasonably sophisticated
conference on Syria
He met with Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Ali Khamenei
The visit by the Russian leader took place three days after U.S
President visited Israel and Saudi Arabia.