Moscow Veterinarians Save Siberian Polar Bear With Tin Can Stuck in Mouth

Updated at 6:45 p.m
on July 21 to add that the bear has been rescued.A team of Moscow veterinarians was dispatched to the Russian Far North to save a polar bear
and successfully removed the can from her mouth, Svetlana Rodionova, the head of environmental watchdog Rosprirodnadzor, said Thursday.She
added that the veterinarians treated wounds to the animal's tongue, which had been cut by the can.Once she recovers, the bear will be taken
by the Rosprirodnadzor watchdog showed the polar bear lying helpless on a grassy field next to a wooden shack and a pile of metal
habitat to climate change.A rising number of encounters between polar bears and humans have been recorded in the Russian Far North in recent
years.With a global population of up to 30,000, polar bears are classified as vulnerable and endangered by the World Wildlife Federation and