Russia Resumes Critical Gas Supplies to Europe via Nord Stream

uncertainty lingered whether the continent could avert an energy crisis this winter."It's working," a Nord Stream spokesman said, without
the absence of a Siemens gas turbine that was undergoing repairs in Canada.The German government has rejected Gazprom's explanation.The Nord
Stream 1 pipeline under the Baltic Sea has been shut down since July 11 to undergo annual maintenance.But the resumption of 40% of supplies
would be insufficient to ward off an energy crisis in Europe this winter, according to experts.The European Commission on Wednesday urged EU
an emergency plan, EU commissioners also asked member states to give Brussels special powers to impose compulsory energy rationing
40% of the EU's total gas imports and any further disruption to supply would also push consumer prices higher and raise the risk of a deep
weapon and therefore, in any event, whether it's a partial major cut-off of Russian gas or total cut-off..
to the bloc of 27 members, but Brussels is asking EU countries to prepare for the worst.