Iranian diplomat calls for non-discriminatory implementation of CWC

Convention, which is overseen by the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW).Addressing the UN Security Council meeting
would have serious ramifications for the OPCW.She also praised the Syrian government's ongoing efforts to annihilate its chemical weapons
stockpile and urged the Security Council to refrain from making baseless accusations against Damascus.Below is the full text of the
the use of chemical weapons by anyone, anywhere, at any time, and under any circumstances.We believe that only the complete destruction and
elimination of all chemical weapons on a global scale, as well as the implementation of all essential measures to prevent their production,
can ensure that chemical weapons are never used again.Meanwhile, we call for the complete, effective, and non-discriminatory implementation
of the Chemical Weapons Convention, as well as the preservation of the OPCW's authority.Politicizing the implementation of the Convention
and exploiting the OPCW for politically driven national goals bring about major negative consequences for the Convention's authority and
credibility as well as those of the Organization
Therefore, the OPCW must not be used to accomplish politically motivated national objectives.While Syria has fulfilled its obligations under
the Convention and continues to cooperate with the OPCW, it has been subjected to such attempts by some State Parties in recent years.We
of its chemical weapons and their Production Facilities on 15 July 2022.Syria has also agreed to extend the tripartite agreement between the
Syrian Arab Republic, the OPCW, and the United Nations Office for Project Services for six months, until December 31, 2022, in order to
facilitate planning for the organization's tasks and activities in Syria.The Government of Syria regularly provides information to the
Technical Secretariat of the OPCW about the possession and use of chemical materials by some terrorist organizations, as well as the
fabrication of chemical incidents in order to blame the Syrian Army for such heinous acts.The proposed meeting in Damascus between the
Syrian Minister of Foreign Affairs and the Director-General of the OPCW is a proper move in the right direction, moving the parties'
discussions forward
We note that the Syrian government has welcomed this meeting and hope that the Director-General of the OPCW will do the same.Bearing in mind
meetings to the repetition of positions and unfounded allegations against the Syrian government