Iran's export to Turkmenistan rises 38% in 3 months on year

21-June 21), from the first quarter of the previous year, the spokesman of Islamic Republic of Iran Customs Administration (IRICA)
announced.Ruhollah Latifi said that Iran exported commodities worth $95 million to Turkmenistan in the three-month period.In mid-June a
high-ranking Turkmen delegation headed by Deputy Chairman of the Cabinet of Ministers of Turkmenistan Atdayev Batyr Taganovich attended a
meeting with Iranian Industry, Mining, and Trade Minister Reza Fatemi-Amin to discuss ways of expanding trade ties.In that meeting the two
sides stressed the need for the establishment of a Tehran-Ashgabat trade center.The attendees also emphasized supporting the businessmen of
the two countries in order to facilitate and accelerate trade relations and decided to form a working group to draw a one-year roadmap for
for the two countries' trade activities to determine products and goods for import and export.Taganovich for his part called on the Iranian
government to hold joint exhibitions with Turkmen companies.The official also suggested that an agreement be signed to increase trade
relations between the two countries
with Director-General of the Agency for Transport and Communications of Turkmenistan Chakyev Mammethan Berdimyradovich and negotiated the
promotion of transport and transit ties between the two countries.Speaking in the meeting, Qasemi referred to the 50 percent increase in
transportation tariffs and fulfilling agreements between the two sides, traffic between the two countries can be further