Mining sector issues discussed at TCCIMA committee meeting

mining sectors
The challenges that the mining sector is currently facing regarding the imports of machinery and equipment was the main topic discussed at
mining companies and machinery manufacturers and importers, the participants claimed that there is a big gap between the demand for
machinery and the domestic production in the country.Speaking at the gathering, Sajad Ghoroghi, the deputy chairman of the committee,
pointed out that one of the problems of the mining sector is the lack of required machinery and said: "Organizations active in the mining
have a lifespan of more than 20 years
Now, if we are to achieve the goal of producing 750 million tons of minerals by the Iranian calendar year 1404 (begins in March 2025), about
to meet this need, and last year the total number of machines produced by domestic companies did not reach 40 units, the official
regrated.According to available official information, Heavy Equipment Production Company (Hepco) produced a total of 32 machines last year,
including 10 rollers, nine loaders, and 13 excavators, which is very far from the country's existing needs.EF/MA