Putin gave Donald Trump Pakistan-made football US President Donald Trump held a summit with his Russian
President on Monday in Helsinki, Finlad.According to reports the Russian strongman presented the US leader with Official soccer ball of FIFA
World Cup 2018 at a news conference after the meeting."Now the ball is in your court," said Putin jokinly after handing the ball to Trump
who then threw it to the First Lady Melania Trump
Donald Trump said the ball would go to his son Barron Trump.The Official FIFA World ball Telstar 2018 was made in Pakistani city of
Sialkot.It was designed by the company Adidas, a FIFA Partner and FIFA World Cup official match ball supplier since 1970, and based on the
concept of the first Adidas's World Cup match ball
is the world's largest producer of hand-sewed footballs, with local factories manufacturing 40~60 million footballs a year.The 2014 FIFA
World Cup's footballs were also made by a company based in Sialkot.It is the world's largest centre of surgical instrument
manufacturing.The city is also noted for its leather goods