Iran’s Khaji: UN should decide on lifting economic blockade on Yemen

TEHRAN- It is now up to the United Nations to decide whether to help lift the economic siege on Yemen and prolong the truce, according to
special representative for the Yemen and Afghanistan affairs.The career diplomat emphasized the need for a plausible plan to end the Yemeni
conflict.Both parties discussed the latest developments in the Yemeni conflict and the country's peace process during the conversation.The
two officials also spoke on the most recent cease-fire situation in Yemen, insisting on the need to implement the agreement's terms,
particularly those pertaining to humanitarian concerns.The Iranian diplomat went into detail about Tehran's efforts as a mediator and in
humanitarian relief to halt the imposed war on the oppressed and defenseless people of Yemen and to create a truce and fair peace.Khaji said
that the problem should be handled via Yemeni-Yemeni political dialogue, adding that Iran has believed from the beginning that there was no
military solution to the Yemen crisis.The top advisor to the foreign minister added Iran supports any ceasefire and peace effort that will
truce has brought respite to Yemen after seven years of devastating war, but the blockage of roads remains a "major" humanitarian concern,
AFP reported on July 20.The UN-brokered truce that took effect in early April has provided a rare respite from violence for much of the
country and alleviated some of the suffering."The situation has improved overall," said Diego Zorrilla, the UN deputy humanitarian
coordinator for Yemen, citing a drop in casualties, more regular fuel supplies and a resumption of flights.But "roads are still blocked, so
the improvement is not up to people's expectations", he told AFP, referring to one of the main parts of the truce yet to be implemented.