There's a good chance you can still snag some of the best Amazon Prime Day deals right now simply because has been down a lot
today.Its 36-hour Prime Day 2018 deals marathon was instantly met with 404 errors thanks to a massive numbers of deal hunters trying to
reach the site, all at the same time, according to people we talked to from the company.That's good news and bad news
Amazon Echo Dot is back to $29.99 in the US, for example.But it's good news if you didn't log on today and want a deal that would have been
You're in luck.US: Amazon Prime Day deals are back onUK: Amazon Prime Day deals are back onWhat did people see instead of deals DogsAmazon
went down and displayed its unique 404 page errors: photos of dogs owned by Amazon employees
"Sorry, something went wrong," reads the error message
"Please go back and try again or go to Amazon's home page."Amazon, a dog-friendly workplace, names the dogs on each of the 404 error pages:
for the Prime Day deals we missed out on during prime Prime Day.