Want a once-in-a-lifetime experience Head to Iran during Muharram

TEHRAN - For avid travelers, sightseers, and even researchers, who take a fancy to feel extraordinary scenes or a first-hand cultural
experience, now is the time.Some believe a visit to Iran in Muharram, and especially during the first ten days of the lunar month, could be
comparable to a visit to China during the Lunar New Year or Europe during the Christmas season.For Iranians, Ashura is a solemn day of
mourning, marked by various mourning rituals and passion plays re-enacting the martyrdom
Men and women, dressed in the black, parade through the streets, slapping their chests and chanting
Some people seek to emulate the suffering of their third Shia Imam by flagellating themselves with chains in a symbolic act.As a foreign
traveler, you are highly welcomed by mourners
However, you are expected to show respect for the sorrow of the locals these days
You are not expected to wear black as a tourist, just an acceptable covering of your body and hair for women is appreciated
atmosphere prevails in all corners of the country to commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (AS), a grandson of the Prophet Muhammad
(PBUH), slain in 680 CE at Karbala in modern-day Iraq.You may be interested to know that the core meaning of Muharram is beyond such mere
bereavement and commemoration of the past
You may even conclude that Karbala was an actual and metaphorical venue where the Truth confronted the Lie, where justice spoke vibrant and
audible in the face of prejudice, and where courage, passion, and devotion preceded attachment, worldliness, and obstinacy.From a
theological perspective, religious rituals are perhaps a revival of collective memories that help shape what is known as collective
identity, an essential foundation for a sense of belonging
One such ritual is the mourning ceremonies which are rich in symbols and historical values.They say the commemoration of Ashura is a tribute
to truth and justice and condemnation of tyranny anytime and anywhere
This is perhaps one of the many reasons why a day like Ashura can never be overlooked, as these rituals encompass universal values that will
never wear out.The saga, however, is narrated to tell us that compared to the Pyrrhic and momentary victory of injustice, integrity and
honesty will always stand the test of time as today the life of Imam Hussein (AS) is honored by millions across the world while the account
of his enemies is nearly lost in oblivion
The story also lives to tell us that the majority is not always right
Even if the army of Truth is small, it still is magnanimous in what it stands for.Religious ceremonies in Iran more than often include food
offerings, whether they are held at public venues like mosques or private residences
These communal gatherings are also a kind of forum where friends, acquaintances, and neighbors meet over food that is served after the
ceremonies.During Muharram, every village, township, city, or metropolis is abuzz with preparation for food offerings known as Nazri, the
mourners and the passersby
Also, households provide dishes to their neighbors by distributing parcels to houses or hosting mourning ceremonies inside their homes and
asking people to join by invitation.All and all, many tour opeartors and travel isiders believe it may be a lifetime experience to visit the
Islamic Rebublic during Muharram.Mourning in MuharramHistorically speaking, the army of Caliph Yazid laid siege to Imam Hussein (AS) and his
followers in the desert near Kerbala on the first day of Muharram
The Imam and his loyal supporters were massacred in battle 10 days later after he had refused to pledge allegiance to Yazid.For Shia Muslims
all over the world, this is a special but extremely sad day
Muharram and the following month, Safar (which includes commemoration of the aftermath of Karbala) are a period of lamentation
War and fighting are prohibited during Muharram and festivities like weddings and birthdays are usually postponed to more appropriate days
from the word Azaa
The literal meaning of Azaa is twofold
gradual result of that patience
In many cultures, the act of consolation has a ritualistic face, and it is therefore systematic and easy to follow as it provides its very
own logic, symbolism, and paradigms.The ritualistic bereavements of Muharram are a platform where various artistic genres like literature,
painting, music, fiction, and drama are reconciled
During Muharram, apart from mosques, each neighborhood sets up its establishment for the ceremonial processions of the month known as
Imam Hussein (AS).The resilient beat of drums and a few other instruments are heard as people weep in the hymns and men in black
rhythmically flagellate their backs with two pairs of chains and beat their chests with open palms
This ritual is known as Sineh-Zani (beating the chest).Other communal forms of mourning include Tazieh, which is a passionate play usually
performed during the first ten days of Muharram, culminating in a passionate and emotional peak on the tenth (Ashura)
Stories and characters involved in the Karbala battle are enacted by men and young children
Needless to say, these rituals are region specific and quite diverse
Major theatre houses in Iran also stage plays relevant to this month
Cultural Heritage of Humanity in November 2010.FactsMuharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar and therefore the 1st day of the
month marks the Islamic New year
Since the Islamic calendar is lunar, Muharram moves from year to year
This is while the Persian New Year falls on July 30, 2022, according to the solar calendar.Muharram (derived from the word Haram, meaning
forbidden) is one of the four sacred months of the year in which war is prohibited.All government offices, universities, sporting arenas,
Most of the restaurants are closed in Ashura as well.In Islamic and Persian culture, the 3rd, 7th, and 40th day of birth and particularly
death are significant dates
Arbaeen (literally meaning forty in the Arabic Language) which marks 40 days after the death of Imam Hussein (AS) is also a typical period
honorable spirit of the month
Television and radio channels alter their timings and programs to accommodate more religious sermons, mourning songs, live ceremonies, and
buildings, billboards, decoration of city walls, and in the writings on the rearview windows of cars.The night of Ashura in Iran is called
People light candles in holy places and gatherings in every corner of the country.The tragedy is also observed in some other countries with