Borrell: Iran has significant reservations regarding full implementation of JCPOA

concluded a landmark diplomatic deal
The deal required substantial political will to be concluded in 2015, particularly during the last months of the negotiations.I am proud of
the role Europeans have played in bringing the nuclear deal about
The European diplomatic engagement goes back to 2003, when the Foreign Ministers of France, Germany and the United Kingdom first travelled
to Tehran to discuss nuclear concerns with Iran
My friend and former EU High Representative for Foreign and Security Policy, Javier Solana joined them in 2004
By 2006, he had managed to get all Security Council members to support this effort
Our aim has always been to conclude a deal that is in the interest of all
the most extensive monitoring and inspection regime ever implemented by the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA)
inspect every site in Iran it wanted to, at any time
In return, it opened up the prospect of benefiting economically from the lifting of U.S., EU and UN sanctions to Iran.The full
The EU and all the remaining JCPOA participants have been very clear how much we disagree with the U.S
withdrawal and the re-imposition of sanctions
We have done so publicly, individually, collectively, and multilaterally, at the UN
For its part, Iran has ratcheted up its nuclear activity to alarming levels
continue doing so.Despite the best efforts of the remaining participants, including the European unique and voluntary scheme of INSTEX aimed
at facilitating legitimate trade with Iran, the U.S
departure dramatically reduced the expected economic benefits for Iran, which is why the deal could never develop its full potential
Meanwhile, the people of Iran have been deprived of the full benefits of the sanctions lifting
We clearly recognize this.To reverse this dangerous escalation, in my capacity as JCPOA coordinator and based on the mandate of the UN
Security Council Resolution 2231, I seized the political momentum of a new U.S
administration to launch in April 2021 a diplomatic process involving the JCPOA participants and the U.S
The aim was to facilitate a U.S
return to the deal and full U.S
and Iranian implementation of their JCPOA commitments.After the first six negotiation rounds until June 2021, the meetings in Vienna were
suspended until late November 2021, to give the opportunity to a newly elected Iranian president and government to clarify their negotiation
positions and teams
to specific concerns and requests
It was a very detailed and complex work pursued by very committed negotiating teams from all sides in the unique, historical setting
generously provided by the Austrian authorities.After 15 months of intense, constructive negotiations in Vienna and countless interactions
with the JCPOA participants and the U.S., I have concluded that the space for additional significant compromises has been exhausted.I have
now put on the table a text that addresses, in precise detail, the sanctions lifting as well as the nuclear steps needed to restore the
This text represents the best possible deal that I, as facilitator of the negotiations, see as feasible
Decisions need to be taken now to seize this unique opportunity to succeed, and to free up the great potential of a fully implemented deal
I see no other comprehensive or effective alternative within reach.We know, too, that in Tehran there are significant reservations over
fully implementing a deal after the negative experience of recent years
The deal on the table reflects, however, the determination of all JCPOA participants to ensure its sustainability, including the commitment
of President Joe Biden and U.S
assurances in this regard
As a result, the deal is better protected from potential unilateral moves to undermine it.Every day with no agreement in Vienna postpones
concrete economic benefits to the Iranian people through substantial U.S
sanctions lifting, as well as the benefits of non-proliferation for the world
Concluding an agreement now will deliver significant economic and financial dividends as well as strengthen regional and global security
It is now time for swift political decisions to conclude the Vienna negotiations on the basis of my proposed text and to immediately return
to a fully implemented JCPOA.