Reviews of the book "Iranians Arrived" at Art Bureau

On Wednesday, December 24, the sixth session of the "Narrative of Awakening" series conference took place in Avesta Hall with program
experts "Saeed Fakhrzadeh," "Mojtab Rahmandust," and "Tina Muhammad Husseini" in attendance
The session's focus was on reviewing the book "Iranians Arrived" by "Amir Muhammad Abbas Nejad."Tina Mohammad Hosseini began by bringing up
It does not use a report-writing format, and it makes use of engaging descriptions to draw readers in
The book gets off to a good start; it's obvious that the author is familiar with the fundamentals of story writing because he guides the
The author describes the situations in such a way that the reader understands and sympathizes with the characters, like the commander's
war to prevent them from noticing our presence and determining our position
headings and give the audience a chance to rest, everything in this story happens quickly and with great excitement, and the author has not
in this book takes place from two different perspectives, two characters who are each present on two different fronts, and two different
that despite all of the leadership's efforts to remove these barriers, there are still issues in the country because cultural activities are
not given the attention they deserve.The author of the book, Amir Muhammad Abbas Nejad said: I am aware of the flaws, such as the
Many portions of the book, including maps and war documents, were cut during editing
"Iranians Arrived," which became the book's title
Furthermore, olive was used for the cover design because it is widely available in Syria and our country's north, an element shared by the