Fleeing War and Discrimination, LGBT Russians Find Refuge in South Caucasus

friends in Russia being arrested for their anti-war activism, body-positive blogger and LGBT advocate Ollie decided to move to the Armenian
are socially conservative societies, and LGBT people face a number of legal and social obstacles, as well as discrimination and occasional
Armenia placed 47th out of 49 European and Eurasian countries in a ranking of civil liberties, protections and recognitions afforded to LGBT
people.Like Russia, the Armenian Constitution only recognizes marriage between men and women.But while LGBT Armenians struggle for
local LGBT communities are even more closed
Russian emigrants to integrate.The Queer Svit project, where Ollie works as a marketing director, helps LGBT people from Ukraine, Russia and
violations against LGBT people, as well as discrimination based on their sexual orientation, gender identity and expression.A trans person
was sexually assaulted in Yerevan in June.The situation in neighboring Georgia is similar
he said.* Nationalist rally against LGBT community activities in Tbilisi, Georgia in 2021 TASS / Zurab Kurtsikidze Russian activists said
Akulina, 32, who left the southern city of Rostov-on-Don for Yerevan in early April.Since the Kremlin launched its invasion of Ukraine in
February, Russian state television coverage has cast LGBT rights as foreign values that threaten the country
place for a queer person: you face being outed at work, bullying, even beatings
anything happens? I cannot