U.S. has awakened the sleeping dragon: researcher

Eastern superpower that has challenged the U.S.?A: The world has stepped into a new U.S.-China bipolar international system
While the United States has long identified Beijing as the biggest competitor, it will probably take more aggressive measures against
China's threat in the coming period
However, the USA has awakened the sleeping dragon with its wrong strategies
The attempt to integrate China into the world to create a more open society has made China an economic giant, making it a formidable
competitor to the U.S
rather than an open community
In particular, Xi Jinping, unlike his status quo successors, made China a revisionist power and created an area of influence in many regions
a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an 'antihegemonic' coalition united not by ideology but by complementary
Because, as opposed to popular belief, it is not easy to deal with a China that is so integrated into the international system and has
become the most significant economic partner of almost every country
Moreover, it is necessary to know that the USA lacks a comprehensive China strategy, despite some attempts made
Particularly, Biden's weak human rights rhetoric towards China and his improbable containment strategy seem to have had no significant
impact on Beijing
Also, China is getting stronger in many regions where the USA has retreated due to its Asia-Pacific strategy
And we have to know that China is a power that exploits the liberal international system and aims to grow gingerly within the system.It is a
power that learns from its own mistakes and the mistakes of previous administrations like the USSR
It has also become a power that attaches importance to technology, education, and the military as much as it gives priority to the economy
And, the way things are going, the eroded hegemonic power of the USA will be corroded even more, and taking action against China will become
impossible beyond difficulty.Q: Do you think China, Russia, and Iran can form a bloc to curb U.S
influence in Asia? What will be Turkey's position in such a confrontation?A: In The Grand Chessboard, Zbigniew Brzezinski said, "The most
dangerous scenario for America would be a grand coalition of China, Russia, and perhaps Iran, an 'antihegemonic' coalition united not by
ideology but by complementary grievances." This would be a really bad scenario for the U.S
but realities on the field are not as simple as this one
Such a bloc between these three powers doesn't reflect the realities
The relationship between these countries is only humble trilateral cooperation
Despite some commonalities among these three toward the current international order and American hegemony, China has different approaches
and interests related to the global system
China wants a new world order that will ensure a long-term stable and peaceful international environment, but at the same time, it doesn't
want any radical change
China aims to continue to be coherent and consistent with the international order
Therefore, I consider that such an antihegemonic coalition is just illusory
Consequently, we can never see an anti-U.S
bloc in Asia
But certainly, these three powers will cooperate coherently
In addition, China's probability of such a confrontation is very low for now
Everyone wants to give China such a role, but I think China has no power to be entangled in new fronts that will be able to create problems
ties with NATO
In such a confrontation, Turkey cannot easily set against the USA.Q: How could Turkey establish a balance in its ties with both China and
Especially after 2016, Turkey developed very intimate relations with China, and much significant economic cooperation were carried out
between the two countries
In addition, Turkey has strategic importance in China's Belt and Road
In fact, Turkey was not a country with considerable weight in China's foreign policy
However, Turkey has become an increasingly important country for China in recent years as a confrontation between the USA and China has
become inevitable
On the other hand, there are structural problems between China and Turkey, such as the Uyghur problem, which cannot be easily overcome
Therefore, although Turkey has developed good relations with China, this will proceed extremely sensitively
In addition, the possibility of a stable relationship between the two countries seems very weak
It seems that it is the best option for Turkey not to make a clear choice between the two powers
Turkey should go its own way
Neither should it follow China nor should it simply run after the U.S.Q: How may the Ukraine war and the dispute over Taiwan change the
regional orders? Do you expect any change in regional balances?A: The system established after WW II is in a rapid disintegration process
Many countries seek their orbit and hope to develop a proper international order
The Ukraine war and the Taiwan dispute are the issues that will accelerate this process
Especially, Taiwan is very likely to merge with the mainland
Chinese are almost sure that Taiwan will be merged with the mainland by 2030
China intends to end this dispute by peaceful means or war
A possible conflict in Taiwan and sanctions applied to China may put the world into a terrible process
Such a conflict in the world's production center could drag many regions into an economic disaster
It is tough to predict the consequences of this
the Astana process.A: Turkey and Iran are two countries that are so close yet so far
These two countries have close ties due to their shared past but have become each other's biggest rivals due to their shared history and
Unfortunately, this competition seems to continue for many years
Turkey wants to bypass the South Corridor of the BRI where Iran is located and make the Middle Corridor more active
In addition, the Zengezur corridor is a move that can bring Yerevan closer to Ankara and create an uninterrupted connection between the
geography of Turkestan and Ankara
This is not in line with Iran's interests
On the other hand, the two states have opposing policies in Syria, and the rapprochement between Ankara and Israel makes Iran quite
Considering all these, there does not seem to be any possibility of rapprochement between Iran and Turkey shortly.