Prime Down: Amazon’s sale day turns into fail day

Update: Here how to get around Amazon error
TechCrunch confirmed this workaround works. It not just you
Amazon Prime Day started 15 minutes ago, and so far, it not going well for Amazon
The landing page for Prime Day does not work
When most links are clicked, readers are sent to an error page or to a landing page that sends readers back to the main landing page. Direct
links to the product pages, either from outside links or the single product placement on the landing page, seem to work fine
I just bought this tent two weeks ago for $120
Some users are reporting errors when completing a purchase, too. This is a huge blow to Amazon and its faux holiday Prime Day
The retailer has been pushing this event for weeks and there are some great deals to be had
It not a good look for the world largest retailer even though the retailer saw glitches last year, too. Other retailers jumped on Amazon
bandwagon and are running big sales around Prime Day
As of this post publication, both Walmart and Target are not suffering site outages and probably love Amazon outage. Also, this. Diane
Greene is the only person celebrating Amazon Prime Day so far. — megan quinn (@msquinn) July 16, 2018 Updating… 3:30pm EDT: It 30
minutes past the launch of Prime Day and the landing page and deal navigation page is still down.