Monsoon flood uncovers public bathhouse in southern Iran

They had a social concept for people who gathered at these places weekly
It was a place where people talked with each other about their daily life and shared humor and news.Some bathhouses are still operational,
but the majority of them have lost their so-called social function anymore since most people have bathrooms in their homes due to the modern
lifestyle.In the old times, there were separate bathhouses for men and women, usually built next to each other
However, there were some bathhouses, which were used by men and women at different times of the day
There were also male and female public bathhouses; at daybreak, a longhorn (Booq-e javaz) was blown to announce that the bath was ready
Men came to the baths from daybreak till the afternoon
Women could use the bathhouses from then to sunset
In some cases, five days were allocated to the men and two days to women.Persian literature is full of proverbs, narrations, and folk
stories about bathhouses, which indicate the importance of the place in the pastime.Kerman province is something of a cultural melting pot,
blending various regional cultures over time
It is also home to rich tourist spots and historical sites, including bazaars, mosques, caravanserais, and ruins of ancient urban areas
Kerman is bounded by the provinces of Fars in the west, Yazd in the north, South Khorasan in the northeast, Sistan-Baluchestan in the east,
and Hormozgan in the south
It includes the southern part of the central Iranian desert, the Dasht-e Lut.AFM