Biden Brings as much shame to Americans as MBS brings to Muslims

Muslims the world over must shun Mohammad bin Salman and members of the al-Saud tribe
two sites under the stewardship of all Muslim countries
MBS and the al-Sauds have so shamed Muslims and Islam that they have no legitimacy left, nor can they continue to claim their stewardship of
Islam.Throughout their rule of 90 years over what became Saudi Arabia, the al-Sauds have done little to uphold the teachings of Islam
a modest lifestyle and the sharing of wealth- equal opportunities to develop the self- rulers who serve with the approval of the community-
been magnified with the arrival of Mohammad bin Salman (MBS) on the scene
Just take a glance at his horrid record:- a palace coup- the imprisonment and torture of hundreds of dissidents- the execution of hundreds
of Saudis under questionable judicial proceedings- the dismemberment of Jamal Khashoggi, the Washington Post columnist- the purchase of a
yacht with a price tag of about $750 million- the purchase of a palace in France ( along
with gold furnishings that would conservatively exceed $400 million- a visit to France and Greece with an entourage of 700, 7 planes, 350
limousines and much more
ostentatious assets that are hard for a decent person to imagine- a war in Yemen (with American weapons, support and intelligence) that has
destitution in Saudi Arabia with Muslims all over the Middle East (West Asia) wallowing in poverty, with Palestinians in the West Bank and
in Gaza suffering distress and privation without food and medicines
It is in hardship that many transgress and commit crimes
All this in a country whose entire wealth comes from oil, in Islam a God-given depletable resource to benefit every member of all
generations equally
As Muslims, the al-Sauds are carrying out the greatest theft of all time, in contravention to everything that Islam preaches.While the
al-Sauds have shamed all Muslims, Biden of Arabia has brought shame on America with his U-turn on MBS and his pilgrimage to Saudi Arabia for
Yet President Biden went to Saudi Arabia to beg MBS to produce more oil
Biden was not even met at the airport by the king or by MBS
Biden was unable to secure the promise of higher oil output
All the while many warned that higher Saudi output alone would do little for prices at the pump in the United States
Dictators around the world must have laughed and become emboldened at the humiliation of the United States
But sadly all oppressed people around the world saw the duplicity of the United States yet again
America does not stand for human rights and the oppressed, but for short-sighted self- interest, which will only shame America in the eyes
of the world
As America loses its soft power, it will be left with only military power to affect change around the world.It is time for Saudis to hold
their rulers accountable, for Muslims to demand control of the holy sites in Saudi Arabia and for Americans to demand that their government