Iranian Parliament okays exchange of prisoners with Belgium

attachment.On July 21, out of the 131 Belgian MPs present in the parliament, 79 voted in favor of a bill that would allow the exchange of
convicts between the two countries, while 41 rejected the treaty, and 11 abstained, Politico reported.The treaty ratified in the Belgian
parliament also allows each party to grant amnesty.The deal may clear the way for the release of Assadollah Assadi, an Iranian diplomat who
was wrongfully convicted in Belgian courts and sentenced to 20 years in prison.The accord may also open the path for a future political
agreement with other Europeans imprisoned in Iran.The pact has been criticized in the United States.The chairman of the Senate Foreign
Assadollah Assadi is one of the diplomats of the Islamic Republic of Iran, who enjoyed diplomatic immunity according to international law
He was illegally arrested in Germany and was transferred to Belgium based on an illegal order in 2018, and the Belgian court held a