Iran urges US to use Vienna talks as opportunity to return to JCPOA

urged the U.S
to use the opportunity of the talks resumed in Vienna to return to the 2015 nuclear deal, officially called the Joint Comprehensive Plan of
Action (JCPOA)
the overwhelming majority of the international community, we believe that while the US, the UK, and France are actively involved in
strengthening and modernizing their nuclear arsenals which pose an existential threat to humanity per se, while Germany as a non-nuclear
weapon state party to the NPT is hosting numerous nuclear weapons on its territory in contravention to its NPT obligations, and while they
all turn a blind eye to the threat of the clandestine military nuclear program and arsenal of the Israeli regime and extend unqualified
inalienable right of its state parties to enjoy peaceful uses of nuclear energy
unfaithful approaches while pretending to have a passionate agenda, what could cause grave concerns in the international community is their
negotiated and concluded between Iran and E3/Eu+3 as a final solution for the unnecessary and artificial crisis created over Iran's peaceful
nuclear program
Its unanimous endorsement as an inseparable part of UNSC Resolution 2231 is a multi-party agreement based on reciprocity.Just to remind that
the uncontested reality is that Iran has so far adhered to the JCPOA terms while US and E3 have failed to meet their JCPOA obligations
By all accounts, after the US withdrew from JCPOA in May 2018 and reinstated the sanctions that were supposed to be lifted, and even imposed
further new ones, Iran remained in full compliance with its commitments
In response to the restoration of US sanctions, Iran had to take certain remedial measures, time and again, consistent with the provisions
of the JCPOA, including paragraphs 26 and 36 that allow Iran to do so.I should underline our steadfast optimism that Iran will fully
implement the JCPOA if the other JCPOA participants keep their end of the bargain.It is regrettable that the current US Administration while
having criticized Trump for his maximum pressure policy against Iran, in practice, has continued to enforce those sanctions and has even
added more sanctions against us
It is a matter of further regret that the European participants of the JCPOA have not only failed to honor their obligations but also have
started to side with the US that has violated its JCPOA obligations
a creditor approach will be effective against Iran.It has been the responsibility of the US and the other participants in the JCPOA to
ensure that Iran benefits from the advantages of its implementation and that the deal does not collapse due to the US's unacceptable
behavior.Indeed, the ongoing talks in Vienna provide the United States with an ample opportunity to demonstrate its seriousness to return to
its obligations under the JCPOA.On another note, despite all challenges, Iran has continued its constructive cooperation and technical
engagement with the IAEA
Despite all rhetoric and allegations against Iran, we are fulfilling our Safeguard Agreement with the IAEA as the mere instrument that