Nuclear weapons greatest threats to humanity: Iran

intensified after the recent developments in Europe.Asadollah Eshragh Jahromi, Director General for the International Peace and Security at
of Iran is of the firm belief that the continued existence of nuclear weapons poses the greatest threat to humanity that due to the recent
developments in Europe, has even intensified
The outcome of this Conference should reflect our deep concern about any use or threat to use nuclear weapons and declare that any use of
that nuclear-weapon States have an explicit obligation and special responsibility for achieving nuclear disarmament
To fulfill the mandate of this Committee, and to evaluate the implementation of article VI, it is necessary to examine whether the actions
and policies of the nuclear-weapon States since 2010 have demonstrated a commitment to and compliance with the objective of article VI of
take any effective measures for nuclear disarmament during the past twelve years
Since then, no negotiation has begun among nuclear-weapon States on effective measures relating to the reduction or elimination of their
nuclear weapons
INF has been abrogated and rejected
The role of nuclear weapons in security policies has increased
A modernization program of nuclear weapons is advancing, and the stockpiles are growing
A new nuclear arms race has begun among nuclear-weapon States
The prospects of the use of nuclear weapons have increased
is facing a serious crisis of persistent non-compliance with disarmament commitments and numerated some examples of non-compliance in this
advocates tremendous build-up and modernization of its nuclear arsenal and delivery systems, allows the first use of such weapons, threatens
to use them against non-nuclear-weapon States, and authorizes the development of new types of low-yield nuclear weapons, increasing the
likelihood of their use
and reducing transparency about its nuclear weapons are fully incompatible with the spirit and objectives of the Treaty
nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarines, ballistic missiles, air-launched cruise missiles, and their respective launch platforms
Such modernizations not only violate legal obligations on nuclear disarmament under Article VI but also turn article VI into a hollow
France also continues to actively oppose any reduction of the role and value of nuclear weapons or any effective measure that would restrict
the commitments assumed by the nuclear-weapon States in the 2000 and 2010 Review Conferences have remained unfulfilled
Our deep concern over the continued lack of progress in implementing article VI and commitments agreed upon at previous Review Conferences
should be duly reflected in the report of the Committee
The implementation of article VI is essential for the maintenance and credibility of the Treaty
The Review Conference should call for urgent compliance with legal obligations and fulfillment of commitments on nuclear disarmament by the
nuclear-weapon States
The final document should commit all nuclear-weapon States to cease modernization programs of their nuclear arsenals and the development of
on a verifiable, non-discriminatory, and comprehensive convention banning nuclear weapons and providing for their total elimination within a
specified timeframe
The Islamic Republic of Iran as a steadfast supporter of nuclear disarmament has actively fulfilled its obligations under article VI and has
submitted a national report to this Conference (NPT/CONF.2020/28)
Iran has also submitted a Working Paper on nuclear disarmament (NPT/CONF.2020/WP.43) which contains several elements for inclusion in the