Free Zones High Council inks co-op MOU with NPC

Shah-Mirzaei and Secretary of Iran's Free Zones High Council Saeid Mohammad, Shana reported on Wednesday.As reported, this memorandum is
aimed to provide a roadmap for the cooperation between the two entities to attract investment for the development of downstream
petrochemical industries in free and special economic zones in order to produce products with higher added value and increase
petrochemical industry, and considering the existing capacities mutual cooperation can be developed between the two sides.He pointed to the
in the country, there is a great scope for the development of the petrochemical industry, especially in the southern coasts of the country
that the petrochemical industry is developing rapidly and completing the value chain as a strategy is being strongly pursued by the NPC, the
next 10 years, and there will be no need to import many petrochemical products."Elsewhere in the ceremony, Mohammad in his turn pointed out
Shah-Mirzaei (R) and Secretary of Iran's Free Zones High Council Saeid Mohammad exchange signed MOU documents