Political workers torture donkey to express hate towards opponentThe election fever has taken its toll on
incident of animal abuse surfaced early Monday morning.In a heart wrenching incident, an injured donkey was handed to animal rescue centre
Ayesha Chundrigar Foundation (ACF) after it was badly beaten, bruised, crying out in pain
The NGO took the donkey in and provided it initial care
Shortly after, it took to social media to share images of the injuries and bruises the poor animal was inflicted with
A donkey beaten to pulp, punched in the face and abdomen several times, nose broken, kicked all over his body until he collapsed, has rope
body," wrote ACF Animal Rescue in its post
The rest is up to you all to decide," it further reads
"The donkey has multiple wounds; all fresh from the beatings, punches and kicks he endured
The Wound near his rear was an old abscess which burst probably when he collapsed
His nostrils have been ripped apart and his face was bleeding from all the wounds.""There are no signs of internal injury thus far
He is not eating much and his body is still stiff yet shaking in fear
His wounds have been cleaned and he has been given pain killers
He is drinking water on his own."Ever since the post was shared online, people have been expressing extreme anger over the occurrence of
highlighted what we always were and are