Blogger brummymummyof2 fat-shamed by Instagram troll

Image copyrightEmma Conway/InstagramImage caption Emma Conway wants to empower women about their weight
A popular blogger has been fat-shamed by an Instagram troll who photoshopped an image of her in a swimsuit to look slimmer.Emma Conway, 40,
known as brummymummyof2, took a screenshot of the post and created new ones "rocking her size 18" figure on Saturday.The YouTuber said she
was not "perfect or slim" and was backed by thousands of her followers for her positivity.She reported In.stagramvsreality and believes the
account was shut down.Ms Conway, from Birmingham, posted a number of pictures dressed in a swimming costume on her Instagram and Twitter
accounts, which received more than 9,000 and 414 likes respectively.Image Copyright brummymummyof2brummymummyof2She wrote: "I choose to
spend my days empowering women to be happy with themselves when they aren't perfect, they're not slim or young or where bang on trend
clothes."Which is better than sitting at home photoshopping strangers on the internet."I'm not ashamed of who I am
But I am ashamed that people exist who do things like this
As long as the sun is out I'm rocking my size 18 and am proud of it."One user wrote: "This thread is the most wonderful response to a
despicable piece of trolling - I totally admire your positivity and it has really helped me be body positive! You are a ? - keep
shining!"While another said: "Woohoo! Way to represent and rise above the negativity! With maturity comes the ability to live life without
worrying what others think
#youarebeautiful"Another added: "I think you are perfect
Power to you
X"Ms Conway said: "I think due to the sheer amount of complaints from my post, Instagram shut it down."Or it was a troll that popped up
caused a stir then shut their account down
"I screenshot it, reported them and then blocked them immediately as I do with anyone that leaves unpleasant comments."