Virgin Orbit has revealed plans to conduct orbital rocket launches from Cornwall Airport Newquay in the UK by 2021.Part of Richard Branson's
Virgin Group, Virgin Orbit will be teaming up with Spaceport Cornwall and the UK Space Agency to build a spaceport that could offer both
passenger airline services and rocket launches.The partnership is particularly exciting because Virgin Orbit plans on launching rockets into
LauncherOne rocket vertically, they'll instead be taken up into the air under the aircraft's wing and then deployed around cruising altitude
For starters, it's likely to be cheaper because Virgin Orbit won't need to spend extra money on infrastructure on the ground, such as new
UK space efforts on the mapThe news comes just a day after the UK Space Agency revealed plans to build Europe's first spaceport in
Cornwall is that it's a vertically launching spaceport
In comparison, Virgin Orbit's will air-launch rockets into space instead.This is all good news for the UK and could enable the country to
become more independent when it comes to space travel