Ball in U.S. court on nuclear deal

sessions, Iran submitted its final draft on the 2015 nuclear deal revival talks, which have been ongoing since April 2021
Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian offered some details on the content of the Iranian response
He said three issues were still pending
Iranian answer to the EU draft came amid Iranian calls for the U.S
to show flexibility
The Iranian foreign minister has said that Iran showed much flexibility and America knows that full well
In the recent Vienna negotiations, the American side expressed its verbal flexibility on two issues
This should be in writing
In the third issue and guarantees, we must have America's flexibility
its internal consultations
Shamkhani, Amir Abdollahian, and Bagheri Kani attended the meeting
And on Wednesday, a closed session of Parliament was held with the same officials to discuss the situation around the talks in Vienna over
presiding board, offered some details about the Wednesday session
resuscitate the JCPOA
technical issues that need to be dealt with
will agree with the Iranian response remains an open question
But it seems that the U.S
is less interested in concluding the talks than engaging in a blame game against Iran.