Tehran asked EU to meet Iranian demands: MP

some details about the Iranian response to the text submitted by the European Union on the 2015 nuclear deal known as the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA).Moqtadaei confirmed this point after MPs sitting on the Parliament National Security and Foreign Policy
Committee held a three-hour meeting on Tuesday with the Secretary of the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) Ali Shamkhani, Foreign
Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, chief Iranian nuclear negotiator Ali Bagheri Kani and chief of the Atomic Energy Organization of Iran
meeting held today (Tuesday), we studied Iranian views and visions, and a view was formed in order for the Council to be informed of the
a strategic law on the rights of the Iranian people, and as it is known, it was America that withdrew from the nuclear agreement.He noted
that Iran had presented its response to the other side and stressed that its rights and guarantees should be taken into account.Moqtadaei
important red lines that Iran stresses are the rights and interests of the Iranian people, and these rights and interests have long been
interests, and the West has gone through an experiment with it and found that Tehran does not abandon this responsibility.He stated that
Iran is on the path of the nuclear agreement, which will realize its interests, and the other side must unite its words with its
actions.Moqtadaei pointed out that the other side should stop violating its pledges, and that Iran's nuclear program is far from any
ambiguity, as confirmed by the International Atomic Energy Agency.He emphasized that Iran's nuclear activities have always been peaceful
that it was under consideration and consultation with partners including the United States, while Tehran stressed that it would not retreat
from its red lines, regardless of whether an agreement was reached or not.Members of the parliamentary Committee for National Security and
Foreign Policy held a joint meeting on Tuesday with the Supreme National Security Council (SNSC) to study the draft nuclear text presented
by the European Union.Lawmaker Jalil Rahimi Jahanabadi wrote on his Twitter account that the meeting was attended by Shamkhani, Amir
Abdollahian, Bagheri Kani, Mohamad Eslami.He said in the meeting a complete report about the process of the Vienna talks and the views of EU
conclusion in black and white to the EU coordinator by 00:00 this night
If the U.S
response is realistic and flexible, a deal will be made
If the U.S
with America on three issues..
We told America that if our opinions on three issues, which are reasonable opinions, are respected, we are ready to enter the stage of
In the recent Vienna negotiations, the American side expressed its verbal flexibility on two issues
This should be in writing
On the third issue and guarantees, we must have America's flexibility