S.Korean diplomat consults with US, EU negotiators over Iran’s frozen assets

and European Union negotiators involved in talks aimed at reviving the 2015 Iran nuclear deal, according to his office.First Vice Foreign
Minister Cho Hyun-dong spoke on the phone with U.S
special envoy for Iran Robert Malley and EU mediator Enrique Mora to discuss the latest developments in negotiations to resurrect the Joint
Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA), according to the ministry.During the phone conversation, Cho reaffirmed Seoul's support for the JCPOA
and voiced hope that an agreement may help resolve South Korea's outstanding problems with Iran, according to the ministry.Relations between
Seoul and Tehran remain strained over $7 billion in Iranian fund held in two Korean banks under U.S
sanctions reimposed after then-U.S
President Donald Trump withdrew from the nuclear agreement in 2018