Washington should take the deal on the table

Borrell on Monday, the United States has not yet announced what its response will be. On Thursday night, a European diplomat told a
the European official suggested that the response could be received Friday.In an article published in Politico on Friday, Barbara Slavin,
And they are understandably wary of trusting the promises of another U.S
political system
Take Senator Jim Risch for example
A ranking member of the U.S
Senate Foreign Relations Committee, Risch is one of the main opponents of reviving the JCPOA.In a series of false claims, Risch claimed that
as a major Biden foreign policy failure, coming on the heels of the disastrous #Afghanistan withdrawal
note that Iran has not raised any new demands in its response
It has also provided solutions for some remaining issues, some of which were previously supported by the EU.Meanwhile, the Western media are
Among those false narratives are the false claim of requesting compensation from the U.S.Another point that is worthy of consideration is
restoring the agreement
The ball is way into the U.S
This is an old tactic employed by the Israelis whenever the negotiators are close to a breakthrough
Israelis keep meddling in possible revival of the JCPOA, and Biden is too weak to repel them.It is crystal clear that the Israeli lobbyists,
power to defuse an issue of utmost importance to regional stability and the cause of non-proliferation
It is important to remember that Seoul is engaged in pure hostage-taking by refusing to unfreeze Iranian assets from 2018
It is also important to remember that Seoul is clearly getting instructions from the U.S
These assets should have been unfrozen long ago, and conditioning its release to the JCPOA revival is pure hostage-taking.When asked about
partners when it comes to this question, the JCPOA
September 1.According to Ulyanov, there are currently three texts for reviving the JCPOA and the EU is trying to bring the views closer
He also said that Russia is under the impression that Washington wants to resolve other outstanding issues not related to the JCPOA.Ulyanov
quoted as saying.He then noted that no one has been able to prove that Iran has missiles capable of carrying nuclear warheads.The decision
is entirely up to Biden
He can take the suggestion of his Israeli friends and choose to walk away in total shame, or he can at least have one achievement in his