MP: Talks with Saudi Arabia have reached good stage

National Security and Foreign Policy Committee of the Majlis (parliament), told the Mehr News Agency.So far Iraq has hosted five rounds of
talks between Iran and Saudi Arabia
The talks have been at security level
However, recently the Iraqi foreign minister announced that Saudi Crown Prince Mohammed bin Salman has suggested that the talks be held at
positions of Saudi Arabia on regional and international issues, this will not negate the existence of a bilateral relationship to pursue
the Persian Gulf countries
We should not expect these goals to be achieved immediately, but in all issues, our main focus is on maintaining and securing national
Committee, we have received various reports from the foreign ministry and other active and related institutions in foreign policy
One of the signs of strengthening the government in the field of diplomacy is promotion of the status of foreign ministry, which according
traffic jamStating that one of the significant events in the field of foreign policy is to strengthen Iran's cooperation in the
The Iranian president and foreign minister have made several trips to the countries of the region and in response, several regional
asserted that some of the agreements have entered the implementation phase, including the gas swap deal between Iran, Turkmenistan and
Azerbaijan.Since the beginning of the Raisi administration good steps have been taken to strengthen cooperation with the outside world,
Most of these actions are carried out in order to neutralize the sanctions
seriously considered
outlined.If Iran's cooperation with Russia leads to the completion of the North-South corridor, it can also strengthen the geopolitical