‘A Signal to All of Us’: Moscow Blames Kyiv for Killing of Ideologue’s Daughter

Russia said Monday that Ukraine was responsible for carrying out a car bombing that killed Daria Dugina, the adult daughter of nationalist
shockwaves through the Russian elite, with political experts suggesting it has likely made pro-war pundits and Kremlin supporters fearful
statement carried by Russian news agencies, the FSB outlined Monday its version of how the attack was carried out by Ukrainian
She supposedly tailed Dugina in a Mini Cooper using a series of different license plates, fleeing to neighboring Estonia after the killing
the killing provoked an outpouring of anger from Russian officials and pro-Kremlin pundits, who expressed few doubts Ukraine was behind the
both Washington and London for spreading disinformation about Ukraine.Like her father, she was an outspoken supporter of Russian
afraid, you may be next
meeting Monday in which the assassination was discussed, the leader of political party A Just Russia-For Truth, Sergei Mironov, said that