Europe’s hellish winter is loading

has effectively taken the solution to this impending crisis hostage. Europe began to consider alternatives to Russian gas as early as May of
this year, when they invited Qatar's Emir to a regional tour
In February, the White House was ahead of them, referring to Qatar as a "major ally" outside NATO
The tour, however, was not totally successful because it was primarily concerned with political disputes rather than selling gas to
said, efforts to establish a common ground between Iran and the U.S
in order to resurrect the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) took center stage during the May tour, and Qatar was unable to create a
firm cooperation framework to sell gas to Europe.Prices began to increase in June, as the conflict between Russia and Ukraine escalated
As a result, the Europeans began to believe that their inaction to revive the JCPOA was not in their best interests, and they began to
believe that they needed to play a larger role than a mailman delivering envelopes from the Iranian delegation to the Americans.Josep
Borrell, the EU foreign policy chief, decided to take charge of the situation and meet with Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir
Abdollahian in the hopes of finding a new silver lining for the crisis-stricken continent, which was already suffering from wheat and grain
shortages.One can assume that in the winter a possible increase in energy prices could lead to uprisings across the continent that could be
spending a frigid winter without gas.On June 25, Borrell met with Amir Abdollahian in the hopes of reaching an agreement
The visit concluded with Iranian negotiators agreeing to meet with their American colleagues in Doha, Qatar, to work out some outstanding
Despite having low hopes and being skeptical about the outcome, Iran took the grueling rounds of talks in Qatar on June 28-29 extremely
The American side, on the other hand, arrived in Doha with exceptionally maximalist demands.Borrell came up with another plan after being
dissatisfied with the procedure in Doha
On August 8, he put a 35-page proposal on the table to resolve the issue as soon as possible, and he offered Iran a week to evaluate it
On August 14, Iran issued a package proposal that contained its first reaction, reservations, and attempts to overcome those objections.The
response was provided to the EU, and the EU promptly submitted it to the Americans
However, the U.S
began to procrastinate and, as of this writing, has not responded to Iran's proposal, which Borrell described as "reasonable" on
Monday.Separately on Sunday, the E3 leaders called U.S
President Joe Biden and urged him to accept the proposal on the table
However, feeling threatened by the prospect of a JCPOA revival, the Israeli regime dispatched its National Security Advisor Eyal Hulata to
Washington to negotiate the JCPOA revival.Prior to Hulata's departure, the regime's Prime Minister, Yair Lapid, demanded that Biden "walk
away" from the negotiations since the pact jeopardized Tel Aviv's interests.On Monday, United States National Security Council spokesperson
(Israeli) National Security Advisor Dr
everyone for the sake of Tel Aviv
This is not surprising, but France, the UK, and Germany put all of their eggs in the JCPOA revival basket, and now, with the United States
refusing to respond, they are seeking alternatives.According to reports, French President Emmanuel Macron is scheduled to visit Algeria on
France is completely fine with mediating a historical dispute between Algeria, Morocco, and Spain in order to supply his country with gas
relaxation of logging laws in order to fulfill increased demand for firewood as a result of rising gas and electricity prices.Europe is
somehow returning to the Dark Ages, asking its citizens to rely on firewood and coal to heat their houses.Europe has been attempting to
transition from fossil fuels and set a goal of becoming carbon neutral by 2050.This comes as European Commission Vice President Frans
Timmermans warned that the EU faced "quite serious tension and turmoil" over energy prices this winter.Protests have erupted in France,
Germany, Hungary, the United Kingdom, and Belgium in response to the energy crisis
There is, however, a simple and viable remedy available: Resurrecting the JCPOA
The Biden administration must reconsider its priorities and determine if Tel Aviv or Europe is more valuable