German court: Iranian poet Ebtehaj’s body may return home

Cologne, may return home.His body will be transferred to Rasht for burial at Mohtasham Garden, his daughter Yalda said on her Instagram.She
in Cologne, Germany, on August 10.He is survived by daughters Yalda and Assia, and sons Keyvan and Kaveh.Initially, they had planned to send
his daughters
father in Iran.The report quoting some analyses on social media also said that the disagreement arose after some attempts were made by
cultural officials in Iran to organize an official funeral for the poet
The family considered the attempts as an exploitation of the identity of their father
Germany for burial in his homeland.Ebtehaj was scheduled to arrive in Tehran last Wednesday
on Thursday.However, all the arrangements were canceled after the culture ministry said that the transfer of Ebtehaj to Iran was postponed
allegedly due to some official issues in Germany.Meanwhile, there were also requests for permission from Iranian officials to bury Ebtehaj
in his Tehran home under a Judas tree, for which he composed a poem.The Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Tourism and Handicrafts denied the
was registered on the national cultural heritage list in 2008
August 13, 2022