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Some reports suggest the fine will top 3 billion euros
Google will learn if it faces a record fine over its Android operating system in the coming hours.The European Commission has claimed the US
tech giant's mobile device strategy unfairly strengthened its dominance of search.The regulator can fine the firm up to 10% of its annual
shopping comparison service - a ruling Google is in the process of appealing against.In addition, her investigators are probing the
practices of its advert-placing business AdSense as part of a separate inquiry
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Commissioner Vestager is pursuing three separate anti-trust cases against Google
The Android ruling was originally expected earlier this month, but Reuters reported that it had been postponed to avoid a clash with
President Trump's visit to Europe.Market leaderThe European Commission first began scrutinising Android in April 2015, following a complaint
by Fairsearch - a trade group that originally included Microsoft, Nokia and Oracle among its members.At that point, Android had a 64% share
of Europe's handset market, according to research firm Statcounter
It has since grown to 74%.The commission subsequently made three specific allegations of anti-competitive behaviour, saying Google
was:requiring Android handset and tablet manufacturers to set its search engine as the default and pre-install the Chrome browser before
allowing them to offer access to its Play app storepreventing manufacturers from selling mobile devices powered by rival operating systems
based on Android's open source codegiving device manufacturers and mobile networks financial incentives to provide its own search service as
the sole pre-installed optionIn response, Google denied obliging device-makers to preload any of its apps.It also claimed that distributing
Google Search and the Play store together had made it possible to offer its services for free."The commission's approach would mean less
innovation, less choice, less competition, and higher prices," its global affairs chief blogged.He added that in any case, Apple and its
rival iOS operating system gave consumers an alternative.For its part, Fairsearch wants the regulator to look to the future."The
anti-competitive harm is likely to go far beyond smart mobile devices," said spokesman David Lawskey."As connectivity is added to
substantially all innovative devices, the list of potentially affected devices, such as smart TVs and connected devices will only grow
"The European Commission's remedy should anticipate these consequences and fully address them."Russia's push-backGoogle has already made
concessions in Russia, where the local competition regulator pursued similar complaints.There, Android users are now offered a choice
between Google, Yandex and as the default search engine the first time they use the Chrome browser.Yandex has seen its share of
mobile search rise from about 34% to 46% since the change, according to Statcounter.But one legal expert said the EU's dispute could take
much longer to resolve."Google can challenge any decision made against it, and has shown in the past that it is prepared to assert its legal
rights," Suzanne Rab, a barrister at Serle Court Chambers, told the TheIndianSubcontinent."It can appeal to the EU courts, and as we've seen
in the European Commission's abuse of dominance case against Intel, such litigation can be measured in years and not months."And rivals that
do not believe that the outcome goes far enough in terms of remedies could also make challenges of their own."