Climate change and challenges

Climate change refers to long-term changes in temperature and weather patterns that may be natural but since the middle of the 18th century,
Such an effect is the cause of climate change which has had extensive effects on the environment.The ice sheets in polar areas and natural
lakes are shrinking, the rivers and lakes are disintegrating faster, the geographical ranges of plants and animals are changing and the
wide range of published evidence shows that the net cost of damages caused by climate change is significant and will increase over time.The
sea level has increased from 1.7 mm per year in most years of the 20th century to 3.2 mm per year since 1993
The average thickness of the 30 well-studied natural lakes has decreased by more than 18 meters since 1980.The area covered by sea ice in
the Arctic at the end of summer has shrunk by about 40% since 1979
The amount of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere increased by about 25% from 1958 to 2020 and by about 40% after the industrial revolution.The
snow melts earlier than the long-term average
Flooding is now an increasing risk because our climate is changing
In comparison with the beginning of the 20th century, heavy and frequent rainstorms occur abnormally in regions like Iran, especially at
Humans use more water, especially for agriculture
Just like when the weather is hot, we sweat more, and higher air temperature causes us to lose more water, which means that the farmers
of fresh water for many people
As the snow melts, fresh water becomes available for use, especially in areas like Iran where there is not much rainfall during the warmer
reliable source of water supplies.Some changes (such as droughts, fires, and heavy rainfall) are occurring faster than scientists had
previously estimated
UN Panel on Climate change (IPCC) - The United Nations body that was established for the scientific assessment of climate change on an
inter-governmental scale- has determined that modern humans have never seen the changes observed in our world's climate before, and some of
these changes will be nonrefundable for thousands of years.Global warmingScientists are very confident that the Earth's temperature will
Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) which was published in 2021, showed that the emission of greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
the next few decades will reach 2 (in some estimates 3) degrees of Celsius
This change will affect all regions of the Earth
Temperatures are getting worse from night to day
The times are different during the seasons in the northern and southern hemispheres
measurement over time to identify and track changes in budgeting Earth's energy - how much sunlight is absorbed by the earth minus the
amount that radiates into space as heat - is a useful concept.Analyzing the surface temperature data of the similar ascending trend
more than 0.8 degrees Celsius.The Year 2021 with a temperature of 0.84 degrees Celsius higher than the average of the 20th century, was the
The year 2021 was also the 45th consecutive year (since 1977) with global temperature, at least nominally, higher than the average of the
The average increase since 1981 has been 0.18 degrees Celsius, more than twice this rate.The rate of global warming is not equal to the
amount of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases that will be released in the coming decades
metric tons of carbon (equivalent to just over 40 billion square meters) each year
is too much to remove in natural processes, atmospheric carbon dioxide is increasing every year.What is the difference between climate
change and global warming?The severity of the effects of climate change depends on the direction of future human activities
these future effects depend on the total amount of carbon dioxide we emit
Therefore, if we can reduce the emission of greenhouse gases, we may prevent some of the worst effects.We think about climate change caused
around the world are affected by climate change.Climate change refers to something more than an increase in temperature and including sea
level rise, changes in patterns, intensity, and recurrence of drought, water, energy, transportation, wildlife, agriculture, ecosystems, and
human health.The effects of climate change on different parts of society are related
Drought can harm food production and human health
resources to respond, more vulnerable.Iran and climate changeIn the coming decades, Iran will face an increase of at least 2.6 degrees
third national report is submitted to the UNFCCC
Uncoordinated inter-departmental collaboration, insufficient collection of data and information as well as international sanctions prevent
the implementation of Iran in the Climate change adaptation program.The future and climate changeForecasting the future under the effect of
climate change is inevitable
progress would reduce greenhouse gas emissions, reduce the harmful effects on human health, and save countless lives and billions of dollars
in associated costs.Changes in weather patterns can endanger life
Heat is one of the deadliest atmospheric phenomena
As the temperature of the atmosphere increases, storms become stronger and more humid, which can cause direct deaths and injuries.Dry
conditions lead to more forest fires, which pose greater health risks
The Indian Ocean monsoon phenomenon, which was mainly limited to the coastal areas, now affects areas as far as northern India (Himalayas)
and northern Iran (Alborz) and has caused loss of life, damage to food sources, and as a result, threatens the health of more
people.Climates are more at risk
But public health groups can work with local communities to help people understand and build resilience to the effects of change.Climate
change and the pastMass extinctions are the main drivers of macroevolutionary change
around 450 million years ago (end of Ordovician), 350 million years ago (end of Devonian), 250 million years ago (end of Permian), 200
effect of environmental disturbance and biological response, which occurs on time scales below a thousand years, is still to be
of the first living organisms at the end of the Precambrian and the beginning of the Cambrian - have been identified.Proposed drivers of
mass extinctions are known as the Meteorites collision, volcanoes, floods, the world's lack of oxygen, and the high level of carbon dioxide
records are full of all these occurrences, very few lead to mass extinctions
Studying the details of the time of past mass extinctions make it possible to determine the future trend of present-time climatic changes
and possible subsequent extinctions (the sixth extinction).The author is the head of the geology division, the Academy of Sciences, Tehran,