Technological advancement: a path towards knowledge-based economy

implemented a series of activities to further develop the ecosystem of innovation and technology in the country.The Vice Presidency for
Science and Technology was founded in 2006 as one of the sub-sets of the government with the slogan of moving from an oil-based economy to a
knowledge-based one, aiming at increasing technological capabilities and innovation in order to generate wealth from the knowledge and
fields of biotechnology, agriculture, food industries, chemical technologies aircraft maintenance, steel, gas, pharmaceuticals, medical
equipment and medicine, oil, electronics and telecommunications, information technology, and computer software are among the sectors that
researchers in technology companies have engaged in.Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei designated the current
year, in order to realize a resilient and knowledge-based economy, a series of activities have been carried out to further develop the
ecosystem of innovation and technology in the country, including attracting the participation of relevant ministries, approving and quickly
implementing the law on the surge of knowledge-based production, expanding the activities of related to the law on the protection of
knowledge-based companies and institutions.Also, in order to provide technological solutions to national challenges, a strategic technology
development headquarters was formed and 362,000 technological projects and 154 commercialization projects were supported, in addition to the
inauguration of 23 national mega projects.Moreover, in the field of innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem development, 65 creative
houses and innovation centers, and 30 specialized accelerators have been established, as well as empowering and strengthening the export
capacity of knowledge-based, creative, and technological companies.In the field of elite turnover, the number of experts and entrepreneurs
returning to Iran reaches 2,700, most of whom cooperate with universities and knowledge-based companies.In the field of international
cooperation, the private sector is supported to create and launching overseas innovation and technology export houses, as well as 27 joint
scientific-technology projects with the National Science Foundation of China, and 22 technological cooperation projects with Russian
Science and Technology put the implementation of the law on the protection of knowledge-based companies and institutions on the agenda,
cooperationHowever, one of the other plans, which was carried out with the aim of scientific and technological development, was to move
towards international science and technologies.The joint cooperation program with the National Natural Science Foundation of China and
supporting 27 joint scientific-technological projects, holding the sixth period of the Silk Road Scientific Fund and supporting 6 research
projects and joint development.The implementation of 22 technological cooperation projects of Iranian and Russian knowledge-based companies,
the start of technological cooperation between the top 5 Iranian universities of technology and St
Petersburg Polytechnic University, and the establishment of the Iran-Russia Science and Technology Exchange Center in St
Petersburg are among others actions taken in this regard.Development of strategic technologiesTo support the development of strategic
technologies in the country, 205 technology development plans were approved in accordance with the needs of society, and 23 need-oriented
technological plans were defined in accordance with the declared priorities of the country's organizations and institutions.Holding more
than 28 technological events, specialized meetings, and webinars in strategic and specialized priority areas and opening 25 creative and
innovation houses are other implementation results of this plan.Supporting researchesAlso, with the aim of supporting the researchers of
university professors and graduate students, the plan on strategic technologies laboratory network was taken on agenda.The results and
achievements of this project are the membership of 129 laboratories by providing 5,000 devices and 29,000 laboratory tests to the network,
the membership of 14,570 new members to the customer club of this network, and the support of 112 member laboratories.Supporting 1,688
postdoctoral researchers per month, supporting the publication of 17 articles in top journals, supporting the participation of 46 people in
prestigious study courses, and supporting the research of 75 postdoctoral researchers.Law on knowledge-based production surgeOne of the most
important actions, with the cooperation of the Majlis (Iranian Parliament), has been the approval and implementation of the knowledge-based
production surge law.This law is approved and is being implemented with the aim of developing the business environment and supporting the