Tourism of Rey has high potential for growth: minister

Tourism, and Handicrafts Minister Ezzatollah Zarghami has said.Zarghami made the remarks during a visit to the historical sites and tourist
attractions of the city on Thursday, CHTN reported.In the rich history and cultural heritage of the city, one can see the old civilization
During the reign of the Muslim caliph al-Mahdi in the 8th century, the city grew in importance until it was rivaled in western Asia only by
Damascus and Baghdad.According to Encyclopedia Britannica, Islamic writers described it as a city of extraordinary beauty, built largely of
fired brick and brilliantly ornamented with blue faience (glazed earthenware)
It continued to be an important city and was briefly a capital under the rule of the Seljuks, but in the 12th century, it was weakened by
the fierce quarrels of rival religious sects
In 1220, the city was almost entirely destroyed by the Mongols, and its inhabitants were massacred
Most of the survivors of the massacre moved to nearby Tehran, and the deserted remnants of Rey soon fell into complete ruin.ABU/AM