If U.S. acts realistically, it will be possible to implement prior accords in accordance to nuclear

TEHRAN- According to Iranian Foreign Minister Hossein Amir Abdollahian, if the U.S
takes a realistic approach, it will be possible to implement prior accords in compliance with the 2015 nuclear deal under modified terms.The
that started on Tuesday.Amir Abdollahian referred to the most recent developments in the negotiations regarding possible revival of the
Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) and lifting sanctions against Iran, saying if the U.S
behaves realistically in negotiations, it will be possible to implement the prior agreements under the new circumstances.Amir Abdollahian
was on a tour of Africa when Washington replied to Iran's response to a proposal from the European Union to break the JCPOA negotiations'
However, the U.S
However, in May 2018, the U.S
unilaterally and illegally withdrew from the agreement as a result of pressure from Israel and powerful Zionist lobbyists in the United
The U.S
reintroduced the penalties that had been lifted under the agreement and added new ones.Amir Abdollahian also urged efforts to expand the
agreements made at the inaugural session of the Iran-Tanzania joint commission for comprehensive cooperation to other areas during the
boosting commercial and trade ties between their two nations in a separate meeting on Friday.The foreign minister called for removal of
barriers to presence of Iranian businesses and individuals in in the Tanzanian market while highlighting Iran's strengths in a number of
areas, including commerce, energy, industries, technology, and academic education.Amir Abdollahian was leading a high-ranking economic team
from both the corporate and government sectors on a tour of Africa that took him to Mali, Zanzibar and Tanzania.