U.S. warships sail in Taiwan Strait 

time since U.S
saying it was monitoring the vessels, maintaining a high alert, and ready to defeat any provocations.According to the U.S
Navy, the operation involved the dispatching of guided-missile cruisers USS Antietam and USS Chancellorsville.The U.S
has failed to acknowledge that its warships are near Chinese land
Over the years U.S
largely seen as the root cause of troubles that undermine not just regional but international peace and stability.China has also slammed
political foundation of China-U.S
The principle is very clear: there is only one China on the planet, Taiwan is part of China, and the Government of the People's Republic of
United States which claims to be upholding the one-China policy but is in effect distorting the principle despite Taiwan belonging to China
Nations General Assembly established the one-China principle that was widely observed by the international community
This resolution made clear and settled once and for all the political, legal, and procedural issues of the representation of the whole of
China, Taiwan included, in the United Nations
meaning Taiwan's status as part of China's territory never changed in history and will never be allowed to change.There are other
to break international law during its military adventurism around the world
The only party that benefits from destabilizing the region is American arms manufacturers and the American politicians that are being paid
and backed by the arms lobbies.