Sanctions have made Iran and Russia allies: commentary

These punitive multilateral sanctions have put Russia in a situation that is familiar to Iran, which has ample experience circumventing
Iranian officials have also grown weary of exerting strategic patience and have become more assertive in light of the long-lasting animosity
between Iran and the United States, coupled with the failure of the 2015 nuclear deal to reintegrate Iran into the international community,
Khamenei, stated that, instead of trying to appease the West, Tehran should turn to Russia for support and strategic alignment
Russia, Velayati remarked, has a strong track record of backing the Islamic Republic.A now heavily-sanctioned Russia may seem a weakened
strategic partner for Iran; however, the imposition of western sanctions and the demonization of Russia may bring Moscow and Tehran closer
together.The U.S
way that would guarantee long-term normalization of trade relations with other countries
This entails expanding relations with other sanctioned countries to guarantee resilient foreign trade.The imposition of severe sanctions
against Russia marks the entry of a great power into the club of the internationally excluded, which could unlock major opportunities for
Iran and Russia can now build on their trade to try to compensate for sanctions
According to Iranian Oil Minister and co-chair of the Iran-Russia Joint Economic Commission, Javad Owji, the trade volume between the two
Iranian authorities say that Gazprom will support Iran in developing the Kish and North Pars gas fields.Recent reports on the expansion of
Iranian officials said the satellite had been designed by Iranian engineers and constructed by Russian companies and that new generations of
the satellite would be jointly built by the two countries
cooperation agreement
Faced with deepening isolation, Russia may be amenable
its inception
travel of Russian businessmen to Tehran.The war in Ukraine is fracturing and reformulating the geopolitical and geo-economic dynamics of the
energy supplier to Europe, Iran is aiming for a role beyond the global energy market to position itself as a critical inter-regional hub
Iran seeks influence beyond the Middle East to expand its strategic depth, establishing new economic relationships with states like Russia
This is a 7,200-kilometer long network of sea, rail, and land routes that starts from Mumbai in India, goes through Azerbaijan, and reaches
Russia after passing through Iran
Only a 164-kilometer stretch between Astara and Rasht in northern Iran remains incomplete
cooperation agreement pertaining to transportation.According to Owji, the corridor will be operational in the second half of 2022
Emirates rail network that passes through Saudi Arabia and Jordan, with only three hundred kilometers still to be built
The International North-South Transport Corridor will enable Iran to compete with Arab states and Israel to attract trade and
transportation of goods between landlocked Central Asia and the Persian Gulf, to strengthen transport connections between Iran and the
which Iran can capitalize on these potential opportunities remains to be seen
Iran still faces critical political obstacles from the West and neighboring Arab states
Still, the heightened tensions between the West and Russia give Iran a new opportunity to maximize its interests and advance its political,
economic, and military ambitions.